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Then Killua returned with the drinks. Killua handed them all their drinks. Gon perked up a bit, and began happily sipping away. Hisoka glared at Gon as he began to drink from the cup. That brat had no right to be so happy. Gon and Killua began to chat, while Hisoka thought of every reason why Gon was annoying. Then Hisoka finally began to realize what he had done. His vision started to become hazy, and his thoughts were muddled and cloudy. He glanced down at his drink, which was all gone. When he was focusing on Gon he subconsciously kept taking sips of his drink until he drank it all. Killua must have slipped something into his drink. Before he could make anymore clear conclusions his soberness slipped away. Killua smiled at the hazy looking piece of trash. It was an extremely simple trick. Killua always kept a flask of his own homemade extremely strong liquor. Not that Killua drank any. He kept it on him for when his older brother would follow him around and bother him. Every time he would buy them drinks and put some of the liquor in his brother's drink. His brother always passed out right away. Then Killua would be free from him.

Unfortunately Hisoka didn't look like he was going to pass out, but he was definitely drunk. Gon glanced behind him at Hisoka. "The bungee gum is gone." Gon whispered as he slipped off Hisoka's lap. "Well cool, now we can ditch him." Killua smirked. "I don't think we should leave him here. Wait, what time is it?" Gon pointed out before frantically asking Killua for the time. "It's almost five, why?" Killua asked. "Oh gosh dang it! I need to be home before five. That's when we have dinner, and Chrollo freaks out if he doesn't know where I am at five. One time he sent out a search team to find me." Gon groaned as he smacked his head. "Well that's okay. We can just zip you home really fast." Killua comforted. "Yeah, but we can't just leave Hisoka here." Gon sighed. Killua rolled his eyes. It would be easy to get Gon home, but drunk Hisoka would complicate the process greatly.

"Okay, we'll take him back, but don't let Chrollo see him like this." Killua hissed. Gon just nodded gratefully. So Gon lead Killua to his house while Killua dragged a useless Hisoka. Hisoka was surprisingly chatty when he was drunk. He started blubbering about how he could never have enough bungee gum. Killua made a comment about understanding the Phantom Troupe's dislike for him. That started Hisoka on a whole other topic. During his gibberish spouts he said something about his undying love for Machi. Killua almost killed him on the spot, but Gon convinced him not to. Eventually they made it back to the bakery. "I'm sorry, but I leave the rest you." Killua said not actually sorry. Gon looked at the drunk piece of trash and sighed. "Okay thanks for getting me this far, as long as I can get him upstairs without Chrollo noticing I'll be okay." Gon concluded as he waved goodbye to Killua.

Gon decided it would be best to go through the back door since the front one had a bell on it. Gon opened the door and glanced around. Chrollo wasn't there thank gosh. Gon took Hisoka by the wrist and dragged him up stairs. "Gon is that you?" Chrollo called out. Gon jumped at the sound of Chrollo's voice. Gon looked around and shoved Hisoka into the hallway before going down. "Uh, yeah Chrollo," Gon said as he scampered down the stairs. "Oh Gon, you came out." Chrollo smiled since he wasn't really expecting Gon to come out so soon. "Uh, yeah I had to use the bathroom." Gon bluffed. "Oh well I'm glad I heard you because I got a treat for you..." Chrollo started to ramble. Gon nodded and pretended to listen, but he couldn't stop looking back up at Hisoka hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid. "So anyways remember what Ging promised you?" Chrollo asked snapping Gon back to attention. "Huh," was all he could respond with. "So I know you must be excited. I think he is around here somewhere." Chrollo continued as he began to look around. Wait was he talking about Hisoka? "I'll go look upstairs." Gon offered as he ran upstairs.

Gon went up stairs to see Hisoka holding his treat. In Hisoka's arms was a puppy. Gon almost spent the second feeling a wave or happiness and relieve wash over him, but Hisoka managed to ruin that. "Ging look at this hairy baby." Drunksoka chuckled. Gon glared at Drunksoka and snatched Mr. Cornucopia away from the idiot. "Chrollo is this what you were talking about?" Gon asked as he ran down stairs with the puppy. "Yeah you found him!" Chrollo cheered Gon smiled as he adjusted Mr. Cornucopia's position. Chrollo began to ramble again about how he thought it would help Gon out. Then a loud thud came from upstairs. Gon glanced upwards. "What was that?" Chrollo asked about to go upstairs. "Hey uh Chrollo!" Gon tried to distract him. "You know how you said you got your Nen sealed. Uh who sealed your Nen?" Gon tried. Chrollo seemed to completely forget the noise and began thinking. "Wow I haven't thought of that in a while. It was really embarrassing because it was some kid who sealed my Nen. Well I wasn't that much older than you at the time. Now that I think about it, I think his name started with a K. It was something like Kura-... OH MY GOSH! I should have known." Chrollo cried suddenly enlightened. Gon looked at him waiting for an answer, but received none. "Gon it has been many years, but justice will finally be served or should I say ordered!" Chrollo cackled as he ran out the door.

How Big Hero 6 Would Have Happened With HxH CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now