Phinks and His Stupid Car

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When they made it to the road a car was there full of a waiting Phantom Troupe. "GON!" Uvo cheered as he embraced Gon. "Uvo?" Gon replied confused by his presence. Gon looked over Uvo's shoulder to see Machi, Phinks, and Feitan there waiting for him. Gon glanced at Killua who smiled and showed Gon his phone. Gon smiled back as he realized that Killua had told them to meet up here. "I can't believe you guys all showed up! I'm so happy to you guys! Even Feitan I suppose..." Gon smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?" Feitan snapped. "Well why are you even here Feitan? You don't even really like Gon." Phinks said raising the eyebrow he didn't have. "I just came because you guys were all going. It's not I like the kids or anything." Feitan grumbled as tried to shove more of his face into his bandana. Everyone just gave Feitan the 'sure' look.

The Needlemen weren't too far behind Gon and Killua, so it wasn't long until the Phantom Troupe noticed them. Uvo was preparing for a fight, but Phinks had brought his new sports car over here. The Phantom Troupe were sometimes pretty reckless when they fought, so Phinks didn't want to take any chances with scratching his new baby. So instead they all piled into Phinks' new ride. For some reason Feitan sat up front next to Phinks so Machi, Uvo, Gon, Killua, and Mr. Cornucopia were all squished in the back. Hisoka made it through the crowd of Needlemen just in time to see them leave. "I swear I'm going to kill that kid." Hisoka sighed as he chased after the car. Well he was about to when even more Needlemen trampled him and chased after the car. The Phantom Troupe was a group of the most superb action adventure people. So as you would expect this high speed car chase was nothing for them. That's what you would expect anyways. Phinks was one of the most careful drivers when he had a new car. He also bought a new car like almost every week so he was pretty much always a careful driver. When driving his own cars that is. Give him a teenager's first piece of crap car and that guy will burn some serious rubber... and some serious hopes and dreams on the way. That was unfortunately not the case. Phinks was driving his own new car. Which meant he got passed by every Swedish and non-Swedish Grandma on the road.

"Oh my gosh Phinks the Needlemen are almost here!" Machi complained as she rolled her eyes. "Safety first guys! You are wearing your seat belts?" Phinks replied as he shook a finger at them like a mother telling her two year old not to draw on the walls. "Seriously Phinks, seat belts don't even fit me. Plus we're packed in here like a clown car. Of course we're not." Uvo pointed out. "Click it or ticket, that's what I always say." Phinks continued. "No you freaking don't. Anyways can you speed up? We are going so slow if we went any slower we would be going backwards!" Feitan shouted at Phinks. "At least we have a little bit of a lead of the Needlemen." Gon showed some optimism. "I suppose so..." Uvo sighed when the barely moving car came to a halt. "The heck are you doing?" Everyone in the car except Mr. Cornucopia shouted at Phinks. "It's a red light." Phinks responded seeing nothing wrong with the situation.

"Okay I'm done with you. We're switching seats." Feitan ordered as Phinks and he awkwardly climbed into each other's seats. Then the light turned green. "Feitan what are you waiting for?" Killua asked, but quickly realized. "I have to move my seat up!" I can't reach the pedals!" Feitan grumbled. The car soon fell into more complaints such as: Phinks would be moving by now, Feitan you are worse than Phinks, and I always believed short people shouldn't be allowed to drive cars. Okay not the last one, but you get the idea. The moment Feitan moved his seat up he put to pedal to the metal. Seriously. He broke the speedometer. That was only because Phinks' new sports car was actually just a cheap plastic car from China that was spray painted to look like a sports car. In fact the speedometer never worked to begin with. That was because there wasn't one. You think Phinks would have noticed that before he bought it. He even paid fifteen grand for the car. Someone was going to get beat up when Phinks uncovers the truth.

Being the cheap plastic car that it really was the doors flew off when Feitan started going way faster than the car could handle. Gon nearly flew out of the car with the doors, but somehow Hisoka caught him with his bungee gum. Yeah guess what? Hisoka actually managed to bungee gum himself to the top of the car when it was stopped. So saving the kid he wanted dead so much became much easier for him. Wait a second... Hisoka I think you just failed that whole kill Gon plan. Whatever for some reason Hisoka reluctantly saved Gon and bungee gummed him to the seat so he wouldn't go flying again. "Uh thanks..." Gon thanked him although he was confused because he forgot Hisoka was even following him to begin with.

"Why is that Hisoka creep on the roof of the car?" Machi asked. "WHAT, HISOKA, I HATE THAT GUY!" Feitan shouted as he applied the surprisingly effective breaks. Hisoka was so startled he went flying off the roof of the car. Feitan smiled smugly as he accelerated the car so it would run Hisoka over. Not satisfied he went into reverse and ran him over again. This would have continued if Phinks didn't punch Feitan and remind him about the Needlemen. Feitan glared at Phinks upset that his fun was over, but he knew he had to get going so he continued driving. Gon tried to move around in his seat, but unlike the bungee gum that was holding Hisoka to the roof of the car this one didn't go away once Hisoka was surprised. So Gon was literally stuck to the seat.

The chase continued a swarm of Needlemen chased the Phantom Troupe. They kind kept making left turns so they ended up just chasing each other in circles. It was quite a confusing sight. Chrollo had just exited Kurapika's doughnuts quite proud of himself. He had just managed to order every single possible combination that he could order all at once just so he could cancel the order. He may not have Nen to destroy Kurapika, but he could sure annoy the heck out of him. He planned to continue this performance of annoyance almost every day until Kurapika got so annoyed with him he would move his bakery or call security on him and forbid him from ever stepping in there again. Chrollo was just about to go ride of on his motorcycle when some Needlemen in the middle of their loop chase knocked it over. Chrollo promptly stopped the handful of Needlemen who knocked down his bike and started giving them a lecture on why Kurapika's Doughnuts was retarded. The Needlemen literally killed themselves before Chrollo finished. The ex-mob boss began to pout about how rude they were as he rode off on his motorcycle for real this time.

Eventually after loop 274 Feitan decided to change it up a bit. He turned his car back into the dock, but when you drive a car in the same loop 274 times without slowing down it gets hard to stop especially if you pretty much wasted the breaks so you stop and run some stalker clown over a few times. "Okay guys new plan, we're going to have to bail." Feitan ordered in a nice tone. The Troupe members rolled their eyes and jumped out of the car into the approaching water. Well Gon tried to jump, but he was kind of still stuck to the seat with Hisoka's bungee gum. Gon looked to anyone for help, but they all bailed including Mr. Cornucopia. Gon feeling kind of betrayed by his best friend, Mr. Cornucopia, sank deep into the water with the plastic car that must have had some metal parts in it so it would sink. As an Enhancer Gon could hold his breath for a long time, so it gave him some time to think of an escape route. Unfortunately he didn't think of one. He fell unconscious instead. Then Gon died.


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