Morning, tyler.

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half stumbling out the bed i almost shout What the fucked happened last night! he jumped up from his slumber and sleeply said that i looked cold in the night and that he put covers over me but i kept kicking them off, so to stop me he decided to hug me and sleep next to me, i asked him why we're both in our underwear and he said, "well i don't actually know, maybe you strip people in the night?" i gave him a serious look and he just looked confused, maybe i do?

It was now 6 in the morning and we were both half asleep still, he knew that he would have to tell his parents soon but he didn't seem afraid by it at all, i asked him how he could be so calm and he just told me how clam his parents are with things like this. we ended up talking again, he was fully dressed at this point and he had let me wear a pair of his jogging bottoms and t-shirts, both were overly baggy and made me feel small and vulnerable yet with him there i felt completely safe and protected,

I was panicking at this point, what if his parents aren't okay with me being gay? what if they hate me even more than my mum and try and get me arrested for breaking and entering or something? after all its their house and I'm in it without their permission. what if try don't like me for me? i'm horrible with rejection! what the hell am i going to do.

Tyler looks over at me and winks, god, this boy! he cant help but tease me can he, he must know? he has to know by now! i walk over and sit by him on the bed, its now 6:30 and we only have half an hour till his parents wake up and we have to tell them about whats happened, i kind of just rest my head on his shoulder and he lets out a breath that shows he wanted to laugh but didn't at the same time. i started tearing up and had to look away so he couldn't see me cry. He put his hand on my shoulder and asked me what was wrong, i didn't turn my head to look at him i just nodded and replied that i was fine. he managed to turn me round to face him and told me "Look, I'm not going to make you tell me i just want you to be alright." i dug my face into his shoulder and wrapped my hands around his body, he did the same, but that wasn't all. his hands slowly slid down my body to the end of my top and he slowly started to lift it above my head.

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