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Well, that wasn't quite the reaction i was expecting from her, but i guess that's the way life goes, always lying and always tricking you into false security. i mean, my own mother kicking me out on my arse in the middle of the night. 

I feel like she might have had an over reaction honestly. shes told me so many times shes okay with whoever i turn out to be, she put up with the shoplifting, the fights, anything that seemed to help her in some way was fine, but the day i come out to her that i think i was bisexual and suddenly i hit the floor harder than anything, for someone who accepts me she has a mean right hook. i suppose she understands the meaning of family and actually gave my money and directions to my grans, who i hadn't seen in years but was now expected to live with.

I thought back on my decision as i walked off into the night, there was a cold chill and i could see my breath ahead of me, at least i thought i would have if i could have seen anything, it was almost pitch black and I'm walking how far? well its better than sleeping out on the street since i would most likely be beaten in my sleep, thanks to my mum i hadn't exactly been popular. she would use me to fight for her, steal for her. anything, wow i had been trained to be a toy to her my whole life and now that i come out like this apparently I'm unworthy of being her child. Its people like this that cause so many teen suicides, just because they cant see that their own child loves the same gender they have to be thrown away from the family like a piece of crap.

I must be near my grans by now, i've been walking so long i can feel my legs about to give way. i wish i had thought of calling a cab or something but its way too late to do that. i don't even think I'm in the right part of town anymore. i thought that i should walk for maybe 10 more minutes and try and find the right place when a car pulled up beside me, it was huge and when the window rolled down i could see it was being driven by a boy about my age. 

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