Why? Why Should I?

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As much as I hate to admit it we didn't let her out for quite a few days and after we did she definitely didn't trust us and wasn't afraid to say so.
Nick asked her to trust him one day and her answer? Why? Why should I?
He didn't have an answer for her that day but the next he did and after he spoke you could see her taking in each and every word he had said then she put her hand out, he took it and so began the most unlikely of friendships.

The council decided that she should be a runner, at Minho's insistence. She was given a hammock and sent to an old abandoned building in the deadheads but they weren't called that yet.

There was no bonfire that night she was in the maze the night that her's would have happened. Instead she sat in the center of the glade, people came and introduced themselves, talked. Everyone went to bed late that night exhausted after a day of working and an evening of telling stories.

When Minho came to wake her the next morning so that they could go out into the maze she was sitting on the ground in the middle of the clearing that she was sleeping in. She was staring up at the sky.

On her first day as a runner she waited at the doors muttering finally to herself and the moment the doors were wide enough for a person she was off. She didn't look back.

A Hero♦ A Maze Runner Story♦Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora