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Minho's POV
I walked into the deadheads to see if Arin was still up. I loved to stare up at the stars with her. Just being by her side sends electric shocks up and down my body. She was up in a tree sitting calmly on a branch. When I walked into the clearing she jumped nimbly off onto the ground she smiled at me and when I got close enough she grabbed me and pulled me in for a long passionate kiss. When she pulled away to breath she smiled at me the began to fade until she was just a silhouette. Then she was gone. I woke up abruptly and almost yelled her name aloud. She's gone. I know that but I can't seem to believe it. I went to the wall of names and changed Arin to Arik. As I did so many of the gladers came up behind me. I turned to adress them. There never was a girl here. No one has ever survived a night in the maze. We shall never speak of her again, agreed? Yes everyone said. I lifted the knife once more this time to cross off the name but my hand shook to much. I felt a hand touch mine and looked to see Newt. He took the knife and put a line through her name. Tears are falling down my face now and for the last time I whisper her name. This will be the last time I cry for her, the last time I say her name. Dreams of her shall never haunt me again.

This is the end of her story and true to his word he has not said her name since that day. In fact until I told you this tail no one had. Remember her story and be careful. This glade is no longer what it used to be and neither is the maze.

I'm sorry to have to anouce this but this story is almost at its end. I know that it is short but I never meant to write as much as I did or connect to the story in the way that I did. I hope you have all enjoyed this story so far and hope you will enjoy that last few pieces still to come.
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A Hero♦ A Maze Runner Story♦Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz