David's visit

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Riley’s POV:

I quickly took a shower and put on some skinny dark blue jean with a white shirt and a hoodie sweater on top. I didn’t care about dressing up because I wanted to make David’s favorite cookies. I ran into the kitchen and put on my music that I set up there for my own pleasure. I put the music up high and started to take out everything I will be needing.

I was dancing along to the song in my own little world that I didn’t hear the door open and close. After putting the cookies in the oven I turn around to see Jacob standing there in the doorway.

“I came in to ask if I could have some coffee again because I didn’t get to go grocery shopping yet, if that is okay.” He says

I nod my head and point at the stool that was behind the counter. I turn on the coffee machine and walk to the living room to quickly grab my notepad so I could communicate with him.

I sat down waiting for the coffee machine and my cookies to be done. I didn’t know what to say to him so I waited for him to start off. I never did have experience communicate with the opposite gender besides Charles and my brothers.

I didn’t have to wait long because the front door opened and David came in. I jumped out of my stool and ran to and hugged him so tight that I don’t think he could breathe.

“I m happy to see you to sweety.” David says and chuckles and hugs me back and spins me around. Then he lets go and puts me down. I grab his hand and walk to the kitchen. I let go to check on the cookies and turn around. David is glaring at Jacob and he is glaring back. I don’t even know what to do. Then in comes Charles to make things worse.

“Hey Davey cutie, you got here fast and I see that you met our neighbor from across the hall, Jacob.” He says and takes a sit on the other side of Jacob and David.

David and Charles never got along out of all my brothers. David says that I could do better in making friends than him. But Charles has always been my friend when Mom started taking me to mother meeting that our pack had. Then he was there with me when I was in the hospital after being found so that is the reason I never took David’s opinion seriously.

“I hope you guys are not doing things that you are not supposing to.” David says looking at Charles.

I take out the cups and put the coffee pot on the counter. Then I take out the cookies and set it to cool a little even though David came around to help and took one off the tray and popped it into his month. Then turned to me and kiss me on my head.

I saw Jacob jaw tighten, when he saw I was looking he turned his attention to pouring coffee into his cup. I put the cookies onto a plate and sat next to Charles.

“David you only walked in on us one time and that time we were fighting over the remote control and I tackled her to the couch. We were not doing anything but you just won’t listen to us.” Charles says

“I don’t care, my sister better not be under you again or else I will ripe your family jewels off.” David threatens Charles. And Jacob has a smile on his face with the threat thrown at Charles. I roll my eyes, men; they can be the most annoying species in the world.

“Well, if she can’t be under me, how about on top” Charles says with a smirk. Before I know it hell broke loose.  Charles was pinned up on the wall with David hand on his throat and Jacob behind him shaking like he was trying to get into control. I quickly run over and grab David’s hand to get it off of Charles’s throat but it didn’t move an inch. I grab David’s head to make him turn my way but he wouldn’t look. I didn’t know what to do and before I knew it, I was having a panic attack and I couldn’t breathe. This reminded me of the time I was pinned up against the wall when I was two years old.

I started to see black spots appear and then everything goes black


I couldn’t breathe and the man that had me against the wall, had his hand around my throat.

“This little bitch bit me” He sneered at me

“We can’t kill her so let her go, we have to get started on the experiment before they find us. This is the first time we got our hands on a half breed human at this age. We have to get started then let them find her. Then we will find her again when she older to do the experiment again.”  The guy that was second in command second to the man who let go of my throat and kicked me in the stomach.

That was when the cutting and shots started.

Flashback end

Jacob’s POV:

Oh thank God, the man that came in Riley’s apartment was her brother. I really wanted to ripe him apart with the way they were hugging. I came over because I couldn’t take my mind off of her. So I came with the excuse of coffee even though I had some at my apartment. I just had to be close to her. Then Charles comes into the room and David starts talking to Charles and I think I will be getting along with him much more. I had to smirk with the way David threaten him.

Then he says with a smirk, “Well, if she can’t be under me, how about on top”. I got up to kick his ass for even thinking that with my mate. I might not wanted to be mate yet but I sure as hell not going to let him touch her or any other man. But David beat me to Charles. He had him pinned up to the wall.

Riley came over to break it apart but everything she tried didn’t work. Then she stepped back with fear in her eyes and looked pale. I started focusing on her and walked over to her at the same time she fainted.

“Riley” I shake her trying to wake her up but she didn’t. I picked her up and walked to a bedroom that her scent was strong in. And laid her down on the bed before going back into the kitchen to break up the fight.  

“Break it up you two, Riley just passed out and both of you didn’t even notice.” I say anger rising.

David lets go immediately and runs to her room while Charles struggles to get his breathe back.

“You should be more careful on what you say to her brother” I said going over to the sink to get a towel and wetting it. I left him to go back to my mate.  I walked in with David on the cell phone talking to someone and Riley still unconscious. I put the wet towel on her forehead.

Then all of a sudden she wakes up and starts fighting and slapping me. “Riley calm down” I say trying to grab her arms but that just made it worse. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly to me. “Breathe Riley, sshh, everything is all right.” She finally does calm down and hugs me back tightly like I was going to disappear if she lets go.

I look over and David is looking glaring at me. But I don’t care at the moment because my mate needs me so he could wait. When Riley was calm, she fell asleep. I put her down but she wouldn’t let go of my arm so I lay down next to her. Charles come in and takes David out to the living room.

She felt so perfect next to me and she smelled so good too. I lay next to and I wrapped my arms around her to pull her tighter to me. She snuggles into me and I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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