Making Breakfast

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Riley’s POV:

I was sleeping in my bed when I felt someone jumping on me and rubbing their face in my neck. I pushed him off and sat up to see Charles taking off his shirt.

“What are you doing?”I signed. “Have you gone crazy”.

He threw me his shirt. “Take off your shirt and put this on.” He says and waits. I stare at him and waited for an explanation. “Okay I will tell you, that dude from across the hall is at the door. So I just wanted to make him jealous by putting my scent on you. So hurry it up” He says and is waiting for me to put on his shirt. I was not going to take of my shirt off in front of him. I never shifted so I never got over the naked body is normal thing.

He sighs and turns around. I quickly take of my shirt and put his, on and get off my bed. “Wait what are you doing” , he says when I was walking towards the door. “Take off your pj’s cuz that is soo not hot.”

I quickly take them off. “Anything else to make me look hot”, I sign. Charles comes up to me and puts his hand in my hair and shakes it up a little making it look like a mess. “What are you doing, your messing up my hair and my mate is standing on the other side of the door.”

“Just trust me Ril. Now go open the door and see what he wants”. He says with a big smile on his face.

I walk to the door in Charles shirt and my underwear. It felt so weird wearing his shirt and his scent smelled so wrong but I will make my mate jealous. I walk up to the door and open it just as he was about to knock the door again.

He looks at me and looks me up and down. I could see the lust in his eye until he saw the shirt I was wearing and his eyes turn hard. “I was just wondering if you had coffee because I ran out of it.” He says through clutched jaw. I know he was mad but he deserved it for making me cry.

I smile and waved him into the apartment. That is when Charles comes out of the room with only boxers on. My face turns red because I never saw him so undressed. “Oh hey, I didn’t know we were going to have company for breakfast.” He says while scratching his head. “I’m Charles by the way.” Thank God he didn’t say anything about him being my boyfriend. I don’t feel comfortable lying to my mate so I was just hoping that he will assume that we are.

“Hey, I’m Jacob from across the hall”. He says while shaking Charles hand. Charles winces when they do shake hand and I know that Jacob did something.

I walk into the kitchen with the guys following behind. I start up the coffee machine. I took out the pans putting them on the stove then I walked up to the refrigerator to take out the eggs and beacon. I go around the kitchen taking out ingredients. Until I notice that nobody was talking. I turn around and look at the table and Charles and Jacob are sitting there staring at each other like they want to kill each other.

I grab my wooden spoon and banged it on the counter for them to look away from each other. “Play nice, you know that he is my mate”. I signed to Charles.

“I am only messing with him, nothing personal.” He quickly signs back.

Jacob is looking at him and me confused.

“Why are you guys signing and not talking to each other. Is there something you guys don’t want to say in front of me, because I don’t want to interfere on your morning.” He says but looks like he does not mean the last part.

“No, Riley does not speak so she uses American Sign Language to communicate with others.” Charles says to him while I give him a glare.

I go back to cooking so I don’t look at the sympathy on Jacob’s face. He must be thinking that he has a broken mate. I make the beacon and then started on the eggs. After I was done I put the coffee and juices on the table with the food. Charles already put the plates on the table and we started to eat.

“Wow these eggs are really good and the juice is so fresh. What company is this juice.” He says and stuffs more eggs in his mouth.

“That juice is Riley’s secret recipe. She is also an amazing cook. That is what we are doing here. We are attending the art institution.” Charles says in my behalf because I didn’t have a notepad with me.

“Oh, I also attend that institution. I’m doing graphic designing. What about you?” Jacob says looking at me. I point at his food and the stove, hoping that he will get it.

“You are going to do culinary arts.” He says putting the clues together that I gave him. I nodded smiling at him. He smiles back at me until I hear someone calling out his name. His smile goes away and gets up to go to the hallway toward his apartment. He stops and says, “Thank you for the breakfast and coffee.” And he leaves.

After a minute I follow him and look through the peephole in the door.  He was standing next to a girl that had her arm his neck, kissing him on his lips. Then they both go into the apartment closing the door behind him. That must be his girlfriend that he was talking about yesterday. And all of a sudden I felt this anger toward her. I wanted to so go over there and kick his ass.

“Ril, you have to be patient if you are only to win him over.” Charles saw hugging me from behind. “Besides we have other things to do to get your mind off of him. David is coming because he found some of your baking things and bringing it over. Which I think he is just coming to check up on us so you better get my scent off of you or else I will be six feet under.” Charles says.

I jump up and down, getting excited that one of my brothers is coming and run into my bathroom to take a shower. Then I run back out and I signed to Charles, “You are doing the dishes since I cooked the meal.” And run back into the bathroom and closed the door. Then I heard, “Oh come on, you always cook so that will mean I have to wash the dishes every time”.

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