December 26.2015

23 0 0

"I like what you're wearing today" she said to the boy who used to smile the brightest but now wears a fake smile.

"What" he said looking down on the clothes he's wearing. Navy jeans with a solid black shirt.

"Most of the time you put on a fake smile. You pretend to be happy with yourself and your life, like you used to be, but today you have a real smile on. You smiled, and that smile showed real happiness and joy, it was beautiful. Today you are wearing a smile that is pure happiness, it shows you aren't sad today. A real smile is the nicest thing anyone can wear." She said

He didn't say anything. No one was ever able to see through his fake smile. No one was ever able to see the pain that his eyes held. But here she is standing in front of him, telling him that his real smile is more beautiful then his fake smile because it shows true happiness and satisfaction.

And she knew, that no one ever saw what he really held behind that smile and those eyes, but her.
And he knew too.

So all he did was let a small slow smile creep on his lips as they stared at one another. And without saying anything, or making a sound she walked away back to her friends as if nothing happened. Leaving him standing there, alone thinking about what she just said.
And he was grateful that she saw through him and said he was beautiful, even if she didn't exactly say those words, she didn't need to. Because her eyes said it"

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