September 2005

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My name is Alexa Madilyn Willis. I have red hair and green eyes. Also, I'm a fangirl. My favorite fandom is Harry Potter. I mean, who wouldn't? There are magic classes, witches, wizards, and my favorite fictional character ever, Severus Snape. Weirdly enough, I would go far enough to call it love. The new Harry Potter book is going to be in the bookstore, which is about two or three blocks from my house, in about 20 minutes. I walk out the door, close it, and head on my way. There was a blonde woman with her back turned away from me, looking up at the sky shouting, "Doctor! Where are you?" I smiled she was a whovian.

I hear someone scream from behind me, "WHAT IS THAT?

I see a flash of blue in my peripheal vision. I look over that way to see a huge blue object flying towards the blonde woman. Oh my Gandalf! It's going to hit her. I run and jump towards the woman, pushing her out of the way and falling with the woman. A boom was heard. I get up, helping the woman up. Oh my Gandalf! It's her. It's Rose Tyler. Which means... I look over to see the Tardis. Everyone was frozen where they were and in the middle of what they were doing. 

A/N .. I hope you like reading this as much as I like writing this story. If only I actually was Alexa. Comment and Vote please. If you like this story, go to my profile and follow me please. 

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