Chapter 2

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The Boys in White

Chapter 2

It was a sweaty evening outside the Mos Eisley Cantina. The two majestic suns of the Tatooine system were falling lazily towards the horizon. A soft yellow light bathed the streets, casting soothing shadows on the landscape.

Beckon Flan and the band were slumped against a wall down a shady alleyway. Flan was furious after the day's events, "That dirty Tusken didn't even pay us, we worked eight hours straight, that old git. It was all that Droopy McCool's fault. "

Snit grunted.

"McCool, that guy actually looks like Jabba the Hutt" remarked Evar.

"Oh come on, that's offensive," Sy sniggered, "to Jabba."

Rebo pulled his hat over his face, shading his eyes. He was unimpressed by the childish behaviour of his fellow bandmates, " Maybe we should teach that Hutt a lesson." Flan pondered for a minute,

"What else have we got to lose?" He shrugged. The Modal Nodes huddled together carving out a plan of action.

Never had the band seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. The front of McCool's house looked like a festering Sarlaac Pit. The bricks were an off shade of yellow and grime smeared the walls. The entire street had a strange odour which roughly resembled the smell of the wrong end of a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard.

The band approached the decrepit house, ready to put their plan into action. Flan approached the door and hurled his body, shoulder first. He quickly realised either the door was reinforced or he was simply too weak to get it open. Flan took a step back, ashamed. Snit lined himself up, reared back and lunged towards the door head first. The impact make a mighty crash but the door remained unscathed. Snit staggered backwards and fell. He sat in the sand with a large lump forming on his head, a tear rolled down his face as he cradled a piece of his Jizz Box.

"The mighty Snit, vanquished by a door," taunted Sy. He looked at the door and unwilling to embarrass himself, he refrained from even trying. Rebo rolled his eyes,

"Step aside," he commanded as he pushed Sy Snooties out of the way. He sauntered up to the door and with one well-placed kick he sent it crashing from its hinges to the floor. The racket roused Evar who had been day dreaming the whole time. He shouted out,

"Alright boys! Let's do this! EVARRRRR ORBUSSSS" He screamed as he bolted towards the window. Evar's fist collided with the window, punching straight through the glass. Flan sighed, placing his hand on his face,

"Holy Empire, he just ran in." Rebo rolled his eyes, threw his space trombone over his shoulder and strode through the door with the rest of the gang following behind. He was met by the pungent stench of crusty socks mixed with an unidentifiable refuse.

"Ooh hello lovey," from the shadows stumbled a small figure, "Ooh I didn't realise you were having friends over Droopy-Poo. Ooh, if I had known I would baked more cookies." Upon hearing this, Snit launched himself onto to table. He hoovered up the cookies with his gaping mouth and fell into the armchair with a pleased expression on his lovable face. "Ooh isn't he lovely," she walked over to him and patted his head, "Ooh he's going to grow up big and strong."

There stood a tiny, old, wrinkled Kitonak. She wore a brightly coloured baking apron covered in little pink Ewoks holding tiny teddy bears. Her bright blue eyes beamed at the gang from behind a pair of strangely ornate spectacles.

Droopy, holding a glass of milk and a half eaten cookie stared dumbfounded at the spectacle in front of him. "What in the name of the Empire is going on here!?" Droopy exclaimed, "Get out of my forcing house before I call the boys in white!"

"Droopy Herbert McCool, that is not how we treat guests," the small lady scolded, slapping Droopy lightly round the head. Droopy opened his mouth to retort but promptly closed it knowing better than to talk back to his Mum, he looked down at the ground and mumbled,

"Sorry Mummy." The woman embraced Droopy and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek,

"It's ok my dear," she whispered. In the corner Rebo stifled a grin. Droopy noticed Rebo's smirk and angrily shouted out,

"I'LL-" he was immediately silenced by his Mother giving him 'The Look', "be happy to share my cookies with you."

Upon hearing this, Snit thrust his arm outwards however his arm was savagely slapped away by Droopy's mother, "Ooh no more cookies for you love you'll get round."

Suddenly, an Ewok fell from the skylight landing on the table, "CanIjoinyourband?" it asked hastily. Upon seeing this cute and cuddly creature Snit went into a rage slamming his fists into the closest thing he could see, which happened to be Droopy's Mum. Snit forgot he happened to be holding the razor sharp shard of his beloved Jizz box, before he could even realise this, the shard pierced the wrinkled woman's neck causing her to fall to the floor. In reaction to seeing his cherished mother bleeding profusely, Droopy went into shock and sprinted outside, "Police? Anyone? Help!" He feel to his knees sobbing. Luckily a squadron of Stormtroopers happened to be patrolling the immediate area, and jogged up to Droopy, "Inside! There's been a murder!" The Boys in White raced into the room, with their E-11 blaster rifles ready. Six Stormtroopers burst through the door, pointing their blasters at our beloved crew.

"Freeze scum!"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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