Part 28--Friends--

Start from the beginning


I looked at the apartment complex door in front of me and wondered if this was a mistake. It probably was. I hadn't seen my mother in two months and I wasn't exactly ecstatic about seeing her now. If I had learned anything in the past two months it was that I should forgive but never forget. Mom wasn't a mom to me. Dad hadn't been a dad to me and my life was anything but ordinary. However, regardless I had to keep relations. They were my family and although a lot of mistakes had been made I could do nothing about it, but keep them at a distance. 

I hadn't spoken to my father or Rosaline since dinner that night Wyatt got shot and I didn't want to. They were sweet to me, yes they were family and yes I would keep connections with them, but that didn't mean it would be constant and that suddenly the past 16 years of isolation meant nothing. They did and I would keep that in mind, but I would forgive and I had.  

I took a few deep breaths before I knocked on my mother's door and the entire time that I was waiting I couldn't stand still. After a few minutes my mother opened the door. Her eyes were red and puffy and her light hair looked lifeless. She looked nothing like the woman I had left two months ago. Her skimpy clothes were gone and replaced with yoga pants and an over-sized sweater and she looked like she had seen a ghost when she laid her eyes on me. "Gemma?" She breathed desperately and flung her arms around me, hugging me with all her might and started crying.

I was breathless, partially because she was cutting off my air supply but also because she hadn't genuinely hugged me since I was in high school. I didn't say anything  and my mom pulled back and looked at me, making sure I was okay. "Oh honey, you're okay." She sniffled, trying to hold back her tears. 

I looked at her with a confused expression. "Yah, I'm fine." I spoke coldly. 

"Come in, please." She tried to wipe her tears and fixed her clothes. 

It took a lot for me to see my mother like that and still say. "No, thanks." She looked so desperate, but I didn't want to forget the fact that she was the same woman who criticized every aspect of me and left me to raise myself. 

She looked heartbroken and her face fell. "Please, Gemmy. Please. Let me talk to you." 

I pressed my lips into a thin line. Mom's eyes couldn't hold anymore tears so she let them go. It wasn't a pretty sight and at this point, I didn't know whether how she was acting and what she was saying was genuine, but I stepped inside slowly. I hadn't been in her apartment for ages, but I knew she had changed it. Pictures of me, her and dad lined the walls of the narrow hallway. The living room was tidy and there was not one trace of alcohol. Everything was clean and I slowly examined everything. 

My mom didn't say anything and watched me look at the pictures of us on the coffee table. My heart sank as I looked at the picture. It was taken when I was eight years old. I had taken it and it was just of me and mom. The background was a bit blurred because my eight year old hand couldn't hold the camera still but I could still make out the surroundings of the park. "We were so happy." My mom whispered. 

I looked up at her and sat on the couch. I was trying to find any trace of sarcasm or childishness on her face. I couldn't. All I saw was remorse. "Yah, we were. Before you ruined it." My words killed her, but in that moment, I didn't want to give in. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just saying what I felt. 

"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly and desperately. "I'm really sorry." 

"I am too." I spoke after moments of silence. "I'm sorry I didn't cut ties from you earlier." 

"Please don't say that." Her voice cracked. "When...when I found out what happened, Gemma you don't understand how broken I was. You father called too, to tell me you were alive and okay and that's when I realized what a big mistake I had made." I scoffed at this. "Gemma, please." Mom continued. "I  know I haven't been a very good mother, or heck I haven't been a mother at all, but I was hurting-" 

"And I wasn't?" I interluded, angrily. "Mom, I know you were hurting, I know now what it's like now to have someone you love leave you and not even look back, whether its for the better or for the worse, but I was hurting too. You ignored me, you left me to raise myself for 16 years and you didn't even care for me, when all I did was care for you." I didn't realize that in between my spiel tears had fallen out of my eyes. 

"You're in love?" Mom whispered, her eyes widening. 

I sighed angrily. "Really? Out of my entire speech, that's all you got?" 

Mom smiled sadly. "It's a pretty important detail." 

"It's not important right now." I snapped. Mom and I stood in silence for a little and I tried to calm myself down. After so many years, she was trying to make an effort and I wasn't doing much to help. Yes, she wasn't a good mother, she did nothing but bug me and I gave her chance after chance, but honestly she was my mother and it hurt to let her go. I would forgive her, but like I said before I would never forget what she had done. 

Mom sighed and came to sit on the couch across from the one that I was planted on. "Gemmy, I'm not asking for us to be buddy buddy all of a sudden, I'm not asking for a mother daughter relationship either, because I knew I blew that a long time ago. But I am asking for forgiveness and maybe just maybe to start as friends, maybe if that's what works." 

I looked my mother straight in the eye so that I knew if she was ever lying. The entire time her truthful side showed and I spoke. "I forgive you and I guess...maybe we could try again..." I trailed off, not sure of what to say next. 

"Really?" Mom gushed. "Honey, that'd be wonderful. Thank you." 

"Yeah well," I waved off, cautiously. 

"I promise I won't let you down." She smiled. 

It felt good to reconcile with her and that's why I did. Originally I just came to see if she was okay and to check up on her, I didn't come for this, but I guess whatever happens, happens for the best. "Alright. Try not to." I sighed and ran a hand through my open waves. 

"So," She leaned forward on her knees and I saw that her eyes were still slightly red and puffy from crying, but they seemed happier. "Whose this guy you're in love with?" 

I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face, but I didn't want to talk about Wyatt with her, just yet. We were still walking on hot rocks and until I was sure she had turned herself around, I wouldn't be sharing anything with her. "I don't want to talk about it." 

Mom looked taken aback but gave me an understanding look and gave me a motherly smile. "I just one thing to say to you, honey. Don't believe the guy who says he loves you, believe the guy who shows he loves you." 

(A/N: HELLLOOOO :) I hope you liked that chapter, I enjoyed writing it. I hope you all are having nice holidays, stay wonderful my lovelies and I'm recovering so I'll try and start updating more often :) 

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