Walking in the right direction

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For old times sake the border of Camp Half Blood stood in front of me, with pine trees so tall they made me feel like a midget, and the floor which was covered by a blanket of soft snow. The occasional critter came into view as I stood as if Medusa had turned me to stone.

As I am plastered to the white floor second thoughts rage in my mind, telling me that I don't have to do this, I could just be Andy's eternal guard, but then other thoughts interfere and tell me that there's the other young demigod's who deserve to have a Safe Haven just like I did when I was a naïve demigod and needed a place to hide.

If it wasn't for this camp I wouldn't have learnt how to defend myself from monsters, if it weren't for this camp I probably wouldn't have turned out as the guy I am today, and today to say my thanks I will go and give Camp something so that there is a way to save Camp.

Andy and the other demigods deserve a place to retreat to when the going gets tough back home and when there are too many monsters to handle. I now feel like a true twat for being selfish and not thinking of those to still come. I will now push my feelings away and think of all the other half-bloods, just as Charles Beckenof did when he took his life to try prevent the deaths of innocent people.

From the waist down I felt paralyzed, how was I going to do this? Would I just walk into camp or come crashing in on a massive wave? I have too many decisions for my ADHD mind.

Come on Percy! You managed to lead an army of demigods in a war where your army was way more smaller than the enemy. I urged myself. This was easy in comparison to that! My heart saddened in thought of the war against Kronos, many good friends were lost, Clarisse  lost her best friend Silena Beauregard, and before Silena had lost her boyfriend Charles Beckendorf and many others.

Maybe this time I could stop demigods from dying never mind a war. My courage returned, this time there was no doubt present what so ever. My true (although not very loyal) family lives here and I wish for my sister to find a second family here too.

With my hood down I decide to begin walking into the right direction, Riptide felt pretty heavy in my pocket when it comes to a pen. As I walk onto half blood hill, I decide to put my hood up just so I can get to the Big House peacefully. I knew all the camp counselors would be there having their weekly meeting about what's going on at camp.

"Check he's back" One demigod pointed out to his friend.
"Why does he keep on coming back?" Another asked.

I ignored these comments as I walked past curious demigods. On my way to the Big House I admired the view, soft white snow sat on the top of each cabin the view was amazing. Every few yards sat snowmen that the younger campers probably did. I reluctantly reached the door and paused to listen.

"I promise you, this next war we will be fighting Percy or he will be involved" said a determined voice. "It will be the same story as Kronos and Luke, except this time it will be Percy and some other Titain or other demigods."

"No!" Annabeth yelled "Percy may be mad at us but he would never turn his back on camp"

"Annabeth, why wouldn't he? All of us including the Olympians have given him major reasons"

I recognized the voice, it belonged to Pollux son of Mr. D. I felt hurt that they would even think that.

"Idiots!" Clarisse yelled "You are doing exactly what drove him away, being disloyal to wronged friend"

"Thank-you Clarisse, that was oddly nice of you to say" I stood in front of everyone, Piper, Jason, Pollux, Clarisse, Chris, Thalia, The Stolls, Reyna, Frank, Hazel, Leo (I had to control myself from going and squeezing him to death) and Annabeth.

"Who are you?" Clarisse asked.

"I'm the subject of your conversation"

I removed my hood, creating a few gasps. "Percy?" Leo asked "Is that you?" Before I could answer Leo was squeezing me to death.

"Hey buddy" I smiled.

There were tears in Annabeth's eyes and shock in everyone else's. We stood there for a bit as everyone took my presence in.

"Percy, you're back" Jason smiled after a while. His blonde hair seemed darker and his bright blue eyes seemed sadder.

"No, I am not I just bring a warning" dryly I responded. "By the way, Pollux I am hurt truly that you would think that I would battle against the Olympians" I hissed. Pollux stood there with an embarrassed face. "You can sit"

Everyone took their seats, Thalia came to my side and whispered "I see that you have finally met Andy" she said with a cheeky grin.

"You knew about her?" I asked.

Thalia didn't respond instead she went and took her seat. All eyes were on me, especially Annabeth's.

"Ok, before this goes any further let me begin with saying, we are not friends except the Romans, Thalia, Clarisse  and Leo the rest are strangers we don't speak unless it's important or even better ask the others" There were sad looks on everyone's faces "I am doing this for my sister and all the demigods who deserve my help. Now that prick Ezra is planning to attack Camp Half Blood in two weeks, Ezra's a Roman and he is finishing what Octavian didn't"

"I knew I recognized his face" Reyna mumbled.

"I'm not sure about his numbers, but if Ezra is like Octavian there will be a battle no discussions needed" Everyone was quiet "Thank-you for you time, if you're looking for me ask my friends to take a message" I smiled.

Yes, I was rude but yes they deserved it before you go calling me names. Loyalty is a two way street. Which in my case there was only one way.

How did you find the chapter?
So Percy was moody in this chapter but you can't expect anything better.
Sorry it's taken me so long, I apologize, I was away so there wasn't much time.
Anyway enjoy!

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