Chapter 9: Regrets Or Not

Start from the beginning

"you!..w..what did you do to me?!" He knows what she did yet he still asked. His voice sounded gassy like and 80-year-old man.

Lancelot still had some fight left in him. "You!!!!...I'll kill you!" He launched himself at Melodiaz which she dodged. She hopped away from his attacks. Lancelot ran after her. "When I kill you...I'll drink your blood....then burn your body down to ashes you demon!" Lancelot remembered how Melodiaz' blood is the cure so by killing her, he will be back to normal.

His rage controlled his movements. The angrier he is, the faster his speed gets. He almost caught up to Melodiaz and was about to bit her hand but since Lancelot had fallen ill, his energy slowly leaves his body. He ran, jumped and hopped his way to catch Melodiaz but still no progress. All of that running had made his legs turn jelly like. He can hardly run. Melodiaz stopped running and turned around to where Lancelot was kneeling. He looked like doing the 'cat stretch' exercise from the way he is suffering. Lancelot was breathing deeply in and out. His energy is almost out, his vision had started to blur and his whole body started to decay. He was resembling a dead body in a coffin.

"I will...I will not loose to *cough*....I K..King." says Lancelot. He crawled his way towards Melodiaz. A distance of 10 meters is a long way to go. Melodiaz's last actions were very interesting. A smirk formed its way to her mouth. Lancelot has no idea what she was smirking all about. But when he saw dots......hundreds of dots forming on the ground, he just realized what was happening. The light of the Blood moon showed him the explanation.

Lancelot looked up to see the thousands of blades that he had summon a while ago. He had forgotten all about his final blow. Once the blades hits a 1000 blade, the attack activates and all of the weapons come crashing down. The rain of a thousand blades striked Lancelot on where Melodiaz had stood before the final battle began.

Melodiaz watched as the thousands of deadly waves killed Lancelot in just minutes. Spilling his blood till it tainted the ground he was laying on. The rain had stopped. There was no heartbeat. Nothing was heard. In short, Lancelot Clancy has been killed. Melodiaz feels no emotion on the event. The only thing that was on her mind was to return to Meliodas after the transformation.

The sound of people's screams of terror was heard by her sensitive hearing. All the way from Liones, Melodiaz heard all of their cries for help. Since she is the source of this disease, she is responsible for everything. Melodiaz didn't stick around much longer. She needed to return to Meliodas. For a student must report back to her Master.


Hawk was running wildly heading towards the palace. "Elizabeth...hang on..we're almost there! Keep your eyes open!" Elizabeth tried her best to stay awake. For a distraction, she stared at the Blood moon's light. In her mind, she hopes that everyone is doing fine. That Merlin will find the source...find the cure and stop this phenomenon.

Something caught Elizabeth's attention as she stared at the blood moon. It was a human with demon claws jumping so high till she reached the moon. Elizabeth didn't fully see the appearance but the first thing she put in her mind was that the figure looked more like Meldy.

"Meldy...I hope you're okay." Elizabeth said to herself. If she only knew what happened.


Jumping from tree to tree, rock to rock and hill to hill will take a long time. But Melodiaz' power was great. To get to Liones faster, she jumped as high as she can from her spot and land 1 kilometer away from the spot. This way, getting to Liones will be faster.

Back At Liones...

No one knows how long it has been since the fight started. The moon looked like it hasn't moved in forever. How long had they been fighting? The Sins know since they have pocket watches with them, timing all the events that had been happening. Time is now 11PM. Meliodas was in a struggle. His opponents were 5 demons circling him from all directions. That's not all, there are more coming his way.

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