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'Cuz all I need is the love you breath, put your lips on me and I can live underwater' sang a british musician while a piano played sounding like waves and the constant rythm of the drums beat on like the pounding of a heart. Alice smiled as Oliver 'lip-sang' the words to her, dark aviators covering his eyes as he did so. One of his hands was out stretched towards the brown mousy-haired girl while the other loosely held the stearing wheel. "Pay attention to the road!" she said, pushing his rough manly hand away with her smaller dainty one. Oliver gave her that grin he enjoyed giving people when he had just done something amusing but stupid. It showed his straight teeth, uneven lips, and due to the angel of the sun in the car, pronounced his cheek bones. 

Alice turned to the window putting her elbow on the arm rest and looking out of it. It was open causing her hair to whip across her face as though it were trying to escape. "You didn't like my singing?" He asked with mock innocence. His voice was not as manly as his muscular build would lead one to believe. It was just low enough to be distinguished as a male one, and Alice loved it all the same. Oliver liked her voice as well, it had an odd sound to it more like a childs then a womans but it added character to her, as he liked to think. She didn't indulge him enough to turn her head to look at him, instead she answered watching the trees rush to meet them then fade away again "I liked it, but I do love living as well and you put that in danger when you aren't paying attention to the road.". It was all said with a smile, she trusted him completely with her life and knew he was a good enough driver to goof off some on the open road. 

Oliver reached over and took the hand that was resting on her lap bringing it to his lips, eyes on the road still "I do apologize for jepordizing your wellbeing love.". He had lost that silly grin, honestly speaking from the heart. He hated making her worry even in jest. She allowed her hand to rest on his lips for a moment before pulling it back and looking at him. 

It happened every time he called her 'love', she would have to look at him and remind herself that yes indeed this man loved her back. His black hair and blue eyes, boyish face on a mans body, his mismatching clothing that he was in the habit of wearing day after day if she did not remind him that wasn't a practice for polite society. That, all of him, was just as in love with her as she was with him.  Oliver changed the station to some jazz "There, now I can't be distracted by songs to sing for you.". Oliver glanced over at her looking into her green eyes and he was glad to find happiness hiding there. Alice leaned over and laid her head on his shoulder for the duration of the car ride, eyes closed as she took a cat nap. 

The waters of the beach were calm and lazy that day. Oliver gently woke Alice up with a kiss to the top of her head then he scooted from the car. Once out he gave a stretch, shoulders aching from being in one sitting position for too long. He patted the top of the car with his hands three times in a little rythm before heading to the trunk to take out their towls and such. Alice looked around wondering where she was for a moment before remembering and smiling. She didn't even bother opening her door, instead she slipped out the window and quietly walked up behind the unsuspecting Oliver. He was bent over trying to grab the bag that held their food and once reaching it he stood up, only to be attacked by Alice with a hug. Her arms were about his waist and it was his turn to smile the way she did. "Eating first or swimming?" He asked turning around in her arms holding the bag so it wouldn't hit her. 

Her head only came up to his collar bone "Mmm, swimming I should think." and they trundled off to the warm sandy beach. After setting up their little area on the empty sand (it was a private beach that Oliver's father owned) they headed for the water. Alice wore shorts and a regular bikini top while Oliver had swimming tunks. At first the water was, naturally, cold and she took the opportunity to splash him and then move away while he tried running through water behind her. Then it came to jumping into waves before progressing to them both attempting to throw each other as far as they could. 

It was Alice who, while underneath the water with her eyes open, discovered the little cave like opening under there. She swam towards it then went up for air "Oliver!" she called, treading water "C'mere!". He quickly was by her side "Hm?" she then dissapeared below the water again and looked inside the cave. It seemed to be large on the inside, though the opening was just big enough for one large person. Rising for air "I've found a cave, wanna go it?". Oliver too went under to see what she was talking about but instead of just looking, his answer was to swim right on in. Alice followed soon after. It was a breaths hold in and then by swiming up, you could reach the new surface inside of the cave. There were some holes in the rocks above so sunlight illuminated the inside. It was very lovely and almost magical feeling. Alice swam for a rock then sat on it "Oh I like it in here" Her voice reverberated across the caves wide expanses. Oliver was treading water beside her rock, arms on it "Yes, good eye on you guurrrl." the last word was said with humerous emphasis. 

They explored it for a while though soon found out it was not as wide as it looked. "We'll come back after lunch." Said Oliver before he dove under to swim for the entrance. Alice grinned and did so as well. they both reached the entrance at the same time and she pushed him back, looking behind her to see him smiling. Then she swam through, hitting her shoulder on the side at one point though. It stung and she knew she had a cut there, having hit it hard. Oliver was right behind her when she heard this underwater equivilent of a 'boom'. It sounded so echoing and ominous she turned to see that the opening had collapsed, with more then half of Oliver still in it. 

Alice was by his side pulling on his free arm with all her might, both of them terrified. Oliver tried shaking and moving his body though that only made him more stuck. Alice was panic, loosing more air then she should be at a time like this for a swimmer like her. 

The trip through the opening of the cave, that little tunnel, was enough to make your body tell you you needed air. And now this delay was making their lungs ache from want of oxygen. She pulled again realizing in a terrible moment that Oliver could not be moved. If it hadn't been for the water her tears of horror would have been visable.

The moment Alice had started pulling and he hadn;t moved, Oliver knew, he wasn't going to be leaving that spot. He watched her try in a daze his mind trying to come up with the best possible solution. If she kept trying she would not have enough air to reach the top. From the amount of bubbles she was making it was clear she already didn't have enough. 'A watery grave for both of us will it be then..?' he thought, his mind wanting to shut down to stop the ache he felt in want of air. 

No, he refused to let that happen. Oliver pulled Alice close to him, pressing his lips to hers tightly and giving her what little air he had. It was enough though, enough to let her reach the surface he prayed as the world was quickly going dark. With the last of his strength he pushed a frantic girl toward the surface.

Alice's instincts kicked in and although she was screaming to her body not to kick for the surface, not to go up it did so without her permission. The choaking breath of salty air that she took was the most bitter of her life, the most hated breath of exsistance. She was too tired to force herself back down into the water and so she went limp in the hopes that she was simply sink. No such luck as she was pushed safely to shore. 

As she lay there she noticed that the waves sort of sounded like a piano, the beating of her heart was like some frantic drum and she was reminded of a voice singing 'Cuz all I need is the love you breath, put your lips on me and I can live underwater'...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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