Have a cuppa...

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Coffee is to my mornings, what bigotry is to Donald Trump.

During the (Approximately) 1 minute, 20 seconds, it takes me to drain my poison of choice, I'm content with the universe. As the aroma of crushed caffeine surrounds my olfactory senses, and wakes up my lazy taste-buds, I contemplate a lot of pithy questions about life and the universe...

Naah...just kidding. I'm mostly just incoherently giving thanks to Allah for creating this magical drink, and maybe just wondering if I can somehow shift my morning classes to the evening.

Sometimes I feel like "This" is getting by too fast. Life.

Sometimes, I want to freeze it. Save it in a photo album somewhere. All the things that fascinate me everyday. In the best ways and in the worst ways.

Join me?

*pours you a Nescafe Cappuccino in my favorite chipped football mug*

Here we go...

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