
The next morning was dreadful. I had to deal with a hungover Justin and that was just no fun. He was so cranky and mean and he was just a bad time in general, so I left his house to go to the coffee shop Katelynne and I always go to. The walk was quite long and it was sort of windy outside so the tip of my nose managed to turn red. Once I had gotten there I walked inside and was greeted with a nice warmth and the nice smell of coffee. I went to the register and ordered my coffee, then sat down at a booth that was private and all the way at the back of the shop near a window. I pulled out my phone and began to text Vic and we just messaged each other back and forth. Vic had asked me to call him and just when I was about to my phone was snatched out of my hand and the coffee I ordered sat in front of me along with a face that I had forgotten.

"Hey Kellin. Long time, no see, right?" He smiled at me.

A look of disgust made its way to my face when he sat in from me with his sickening smile.

"Well, you won't be needing this until we're finished talking." He said putting my phone into his pocket.

"Jason give me my phone back."


"Because I need it-"

"So you can call Mr. Fuentes right?" He smirked.

My face turned paler than I already was and my throat felt like it was closing up. Stutters left my lips and I looked at Jason feeling, scared.

"I-I uh- I don't know w-what you're talking about."

"Well that stutter says otherwise." He said in a serious tone, "Look Kellin, no more bullshit, you break up with him by next month, or I will make sure that everyone knows about this."

"We aren't together."

"Yeah okay, so you wouldn't mind me going through your phone right?" He said picking it out of his pocket.

"Oh actually, look who's calling. Vic. Isn't that Mr. Fuentes' first name? Correct me if I'm wrong but it is Vic Fuentes, right?"

He was being so casual about this whole thing and that's what scared me. He knew what was going on and I knew that he wasn't playing around when he said that he'll make sure everyone knew about this. Vic would get in so much trouble and he would be fired and everyone would think that I was a slut or something.

"I should answer it right?" He said. Before I could say no, he answered the phone.

"Hello?"  He looked at me and used his pointed index finger and tapped his lips lightly.

"Mr. Fuentes? Is this you speaking?" 

Oh god no.

"I think it's very inappropriate for you to be calling a student babe. Don't you think so? Especially your only A plus student." Jason was testing his limits right now. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get Vic to confess because I wouldn't.

"Yeah okay, well you might want to come back from your business trip because Kellin has to discuss some things with you." Jason said then hung up and handed me my phone.

"Remember what I said Kellin." He whispered and left the coffee shop, leaving me in shock.

I shoved my phone in my pocket leaving the shop and following Jason out. I saw him walking towards the park and I followed him there.

"Hey!" I yelled.

He turned around and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Chasing after me again? Some things just don't change." He smirked.

I didn't know what came over me but I punched him the face making him stumble back. He looked up at me, fuming and held his jaw.

I was going to hit him again but he held my arms at my sides.

"Jason please don't do this," I sniffled feeling useless, "He's all I have."

"That's why I'm going after you. I will ruin your life, just like you ruined mine." He whispered in my ear, leaving me confused.

"What did I do? You're the one who cheated on me!" I said pushing him away.

"Kellin I never actually liked you. The person who I cheated on you with, actually had my heart. I was going to ask them out and break up with you, but you had to ruin it." He said with every word dripping with hate.

"But- Why did you ask me out then?!"

"You were a good fuck and remember Kellin," he said coming up to me, making me freeze, "no one is actually going to love you. You're just another good fuck to Vic, I mean why else would he go after an underage kid when he could have more experienced guys."

He walked away and left me standing there shocked and feeling... Stupid and worthless. I haven't felt this bad in a while and he's only been around for a couple of months and he's starting to make me feel bad again. Jason's words did make sense though. Why would Vic go after me, when there were more experienced people out in the world? Why did he have a sudden interest in me?

My phone rang and picked it up. I could hear Vic talking but I couldn't find words to answer him.

"I'm coming back tonight okay? You have to tell me exactly what happened today. I'll be there soon, I love you."

"Okay." I said and hung up the phone. I stayed in the park for a while longer and then headed over to Vics hours to wait for him. I shot my mom a quick text saying I was staying over at jacks house so she wouldn't worry. When I arrived to Vics house I sat on the couch with my hands in my hair and my elbows on my knees so I was slouched a bit. I was just thinking of the outcome of this situation and trying to find a loophole but I didn't know what do. I guess I just needed to wait for Vic so we could talk.

What a great way to start off the new year.

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