Luke Secretly Sick

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*Request by Lukeandlillyforever!*

The boys had a big interview tomorrow and things couldn't be any worse for Luke. He's been feeling like total shit all week and with the stress from this interview, he isn't feeling better.

Luke wakes up and goes to the bathroom at 12:00AM feeling awful.

"Why did I have to get sick THIS weekend? This is such crap!"

Luke is feeling queasy and turns to the toilet and gets sick. He wipes his mouth and looks into the mirror at his pale, sweaty face and sighs.

He starts to walk back to the bathroom but gets dizzy on the way and grips Calum's bunk for support. His face scrunches in nauseous pain. After a minute he is fine and climbs back into his bunk without anyone even noticing he got up.

"Hold it in Luke. You can't let them know you're sick. You are NOT missing this interview!"

He falls right asleep.

The morning

Luke awakes startled by his alarm waking him at 6:30AM. Luke rolls over and groans. The other boys are getting up while their alarms sound.

Ashton walks over to Luke's bed and tries to get him up since he is the only one who hasn't gotten up yet.

"Hey Luke, time to get up! Big interview today and you need to get ready."

"I'm coming!" Luke says annoyed and sick.

"Fine! No need to get snappy!" Ashton says offended.

Luke rolls out of bed and walks to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. He looks sweaty, pale, and sick.

"I look awful. How can I hide this? Maybe I can put something on my face to look like im less pale!"

He searches through the cabinets in the bathroom and finds a fake tanning product Ashton bought Michael as a joke and attempts to put it on his pale face to give himself some color.

He washes up and gets ready without being sick.

"I think I am getting better because I didn't get sick! Thank God!"

Luke heads out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen but isn't feeling up for food. He just looks at it and feels disgusted. The other boys are chowing down on breakfast but don't think anything of it because Luke isn't a breakfast person anyway so it isn't any different than any other day.

They boys finish eating and head out to the interview. The ride was only a half hour but like fell asleep while the other boys didn't this made Ashton suspicious.

They arrive at the venue and Ashton wakes up look.

"Hey man time to get up!" Ashton says

"What we are here already? That was fast!"

"Well probably to you because you slept the whole time."

"Did I? Haha my bad. Didn't sleep well last night!"

"Aww why not?"

"Uhhh... Nerves!" Luke says nervous trying not to say that he was sick all last night.

"Oh okay! You feeling alright right because if your not we can cancel!"

"No way! I'm feeling fantastic! Let's do this!" Luke says putting on a brave face.

The boys get out of the van and walk into the venue while paparazzi snap their pics. All the boys give a signature look and Luke just walks past them and goes inside. The other boys don't notice.

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