Ashton Appendix

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It's been a long week and Ashton hasn't been feeling so good lately and he thought he just had a cold or something but turns out it might be something a little bigger than that.

It was about 3:00AM when Ashton shot up in the middle of the night in pain. Clutching his stomach he cries out in pain. Luke heard him and immediately woke up since he was the bunk across from him.

"Ash? Is that you? What's wrong?" Luke ask worried.

"I- I don't know!" Ashton says winching in pain and holding his stomach.

"Is it your stomach?" Luke asks. Ashton doesn't answer he just curls up in pain.

"Ashton please tell me what's wrong! What hurts you?"

"My stomach is killing me! SHIT! I feel like i'm dying!" Ashton says in so much pain.

Luke try and hold back tears when all of the sudden Ashton's eyes widen and jumps out of bed and sprints to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind him you can hear him vomiting so loud and painfully. Luke can hear him crying out in pain. Michael wakes up hearing everything and look over at you.

"What the hell is going on Y/N?" Michael asks confused.

"I don't know! Something is wrong with Ashton and i'm scared!" Luke says really fighting tears.

"Oh shit" Michael says and heads over to wake up Calum.

"What are you doing Mike i'm trying to sleep!" Calum says.

"Ashton's throwing up and is in a lot of pain. I need you to call his mom!" Michael says to Calum.

"Oh my God I didn't know! I'll go call now!" Calum says running out of the room in a panic looking for a phone.

Michael heads over to the bathroom to check on Ashton.

"Ash you alright mate?"Michael asks knocking on the door.

There was no answer so Michael tried again.

"Ashton! Are you okay?" He asks a little more forceful this time.

Still no answer. Michael holds back to listen and the throwing up and crying had stopped. Everyone looking at each other worried and Michael opens the door to find Ashton leaning against the wall of the bathroom crying silently.

"Oh my God Ash! What is it? What's wrong with you?" Michael says running in and grabbing Ashton.

Ashton immediately turn to the toilet and throws up again. He falls back over to the wall and just kind of stays there helplessly.

"What's wrong with me?" Ashton says in the most helpless voice ever.

Luke hears that and cries because he can't help him. He is in pain and he can't help him.

"I don't know Ashy but we will find out! Here let me help you up!" Michael says grabbing the frail boy by the armpits and yanking him up.

About halfway to the bunks Ashton stops in his place. Frozen.

"What is is Ashton?" Luke says worried.

Ashton crunches in pain.

"It hurts so-so- so..." Ashton says as he passes out. The world went dark and he was out.

"Oh shit!" Michael says trying to wake him up.

"What do we do Mike?" Luke says on edge of the bunk.

"I don't know? Ah! He's burning!" Michael says as he touches Ashton.

Calum comes running back saying he couldn't get his mother on the phone. He sees Ashton on the floor and calls 911 (Since there are in America) and runs into the other room.

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