Michael, the boy who cried wolf...

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*This one is for Lilly! Sorry I have been taking so long but college has really been taking up all my time so now that I am on break I am going to try and get to some of these stories! ENJOY!*

*It was a normal day on tour for the boys. They had an interview for a local radio show but Michael had already made plains to spend time with family. Michael knew there was only one way to get out of it.*

A: Com on guys wake up! We have the interview in 2 hours!

L: Five more minutes!

A: No! Come on boys!

C: I don't even think it is possible to run on this amount of sleep!

*Ashton rolls his eyes at Calum and sees that Michael haden't even moved yet.

A: Hey Michael come on get up. We have to leave soon.

M: (in a groggy sick voice) Wha.. what?

A: What's wrong with you? You sound like death!

M: I think i'm getting sick.

A: Oh man what do you think you have?

M: I don't know but my stomach is killing me!

A: Ugh! No man! I don't think you should do the interview.

M: (tries to get up but falls and grabs the bed to balance) I'm fi..fine.

A: ( rushing to help but sees him catch himself) Whoa there buddy! No stay home and get your rest.

M: If you say so.

*Ashton tells Calum and Luke about Michael and they walk over to his bunk.

L: Hey man feel better!

C: Yea bro get less sick!

M: Haha thank you! (laughing but stops and grabs stomach)

A: You gonna be okay here alone?

M: I think I can cope.

A: Alright mate, see you later! Call me if anything!

M: Will do. (rolls over and pretends to sleep)

*Ashton and the boys leave the bus and go to the interview. Michael waits till the coast is clear and jumps out of bed and gets ready. He goes to meet his family and they spend the day together. Luke comes back to the bus alone and sees that Michael isn't here. This makes him suspicious.

**Later on the boys return and Michael is back in bed pretending to sleep


A: Will you be quiet! Michael is asleep!

C: (whisper) sorry!

L: Wait he is in bed?

A: Yea where else would he be?

L: (confused but stays quiet) Oh yea your right.

*Later that night while the boys are in the other room, Luke goes to Michael who is actually asleep.

L: Hey! Hey Mikey!

M: Yea Luke?

L: Why weren't you here before?

M: I was here the whole time.

L: No! I came back a little earlier and you weren't in bed!

M: I must have gone to the bathroom!

L: Oh Okay! I wasn't sure where you went!

M: Its okay! I am going to sleep now!

L: Okay feel better.

*Luke still being suspicious, grabs Michael's phone and looks throughout the texts and pictures and sees what Michael did that day. In shock he keeps the evidence an tells the other boys.

**The next day the boys were planning a trip around the city and they were all excited. Ashton is the first one up and he goes to wake them all up.



C: Come on guys we are going into the city today!

L: Oh yea I totally forgot!

C: Has anyone seen Michael?

A: I think he is still sleeping. Let me wake him!

*Ashton goes over to Michael's bunk

A: Mikey hey buddy come-on get up we are going to the city remember.

M: (groggy) I can't get up.

A: What do you mean?

M: I'm sick! I feel like death!

A: No you're not!

M: What do you mean?

A: We found you pictures! You were never sick yesterday and now you don't even want to spend time with us! What is going on Mikey?

M: Nothing I am really sick!

A: I don't believe you!

M: I am though!

A: Yea sure whatever! Get dressed we are leaving soon!

*Michael gets up to get dressed and nearly falls over but nobody saw so he presses on. While in the city Michael starts to feel really bad. Calum notices Michael is falling behind.

C: Hey buddy keep up!

M: Yea don't worry i'm coming.

C: You okay? You sound out of breath.

M: Fine just a little winded that's all.

C: Okay well keep up.

*After a few more minutes of walking, Michael stops dead in his tracks. The other boys notice and get worried. Michael is pale and frozen.

L: Oi mate you alright?

*Michael doesn't answer.

A: MICHAEL? What's wrong?

*Still no answer

C: What is going on?

*All of the sudden Michael starts swaying in a very unsteady motion.

L: What is he doing?

A: I think he is going to pass out. Quickly stand around him just incase he falls.

*The boys crowd around him. After a few seconds Michael comes crashing down onto Calum.

C: Oh My God!

L: I think he's out

A: Call an ambulance!

*Later on at the hospital...

M: (groggy) What happened?

A: You passed out. Your fever was a 104 but they managed to cool you down. You're still a but roughed up though.

M: Oh my good, did I fall?

L: Luckily Mr. Calum caught you.

M: Thank you Calum

C: No problem buddy. Sorry I didn't believe you.

M: It's fine. I wouldn't have either! I am sorry I lied to you guys.

A: Apology accepted. Now rest up we have a tour to do!

**I know it has been wayyyyyyyy too long but I have a ton of homework and stuff but I go on break soon so I will be catching up! :-)**

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