Calum Sickfic for Rachel

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*Hi I know this is another Calum one but I had a request for a Calum one from Rachel! This one is for you! Enjoy :-)*

It was the night after a big show and all the boys had off the next day so you and Calum plan this big day of events to just spend some time together since you have barely seen each other on tour. You and Calum fell asleep on each other on the couch. All of the sudden you feel Calum start to shift and moan underneath you.

Rachel: Calum can you stop moving!

Calum: Sorry baby. I just feel really uncomfortable right now. *Burps*

R: Ew Calum! Here i'll move.

C: No i'm fine. Stay! I'll stop i'm sorry!

R: Okay but go to bed!

You were clearly angry but you tried to not show it too much. 

"I mean why was he burping so much" you thought.

You pushed it off and went back to bed with Calum.

In the morning you wake to Calum's burps.

R: Calum why do you keep burping?! It's so gross!

C: Sorry Rachel! I don't know why!

R: Can you stop because it's disgusting?

C: I'm trying! Stop being so rude! I don't feel well.

R: I know that! That's why we can't go out on our date!

C: I'm sorry baby! I didn't mean to be sick!

R: Your not sick your just burping and complaining! We could've had a nice day out together!

Calum gets watery-eyed and turns away.

R: Calum? Are you okay?

C: What do you care?!?! You just want to be all mad at me so why should I tell you?

R: I'm sorry Calum! 

You say feeling bad for how you were treating him. All of the sudden Calum turns around. All of the color in his tanned face is gone. He looks awful.

R: Oh Calum! You look so bad are you going to faint?

C: I don't feel good.

At that moment Calum runs to the bathroom and throws up. You follow right after him and he threw up blood.


Calum falls to the floor unable to walk because he is so weak and in pain. He is on the floor clutching his stomach. You call Ashton to help you get him to the hospital.

R: Ashton!?!?! Come quick I need help! Calum needs a doctor!

A: I'm on my way!

Ashton helps you carry Calum to the car and drives you two to the hospital. He stays with you the whole time.

Doctor: Okay what have we here?

R: I don't know! He's been burping a lot, his stomach hurts, and he grew up some blood before.

D: Calum how does your stomach feel?

C: Like I ate 45 cheeseburgers!

R: What does that mean doctor?

D: He seems to be bloated. Let me check something and I will be right back!

R: Okay thank you doctor.

Calum is given some pain meds and he falls asleep. Ashton comes into the room to check on you guys.

A: Hey how's Calum?

R: He's better, they gave him some pain meds.

A: Why are you crying Rachel?

R: Because i'm a horrible girlfriend!!!

A: No way! You treat Calum so well! He loves you!

R: Not today! I was so mean to him because he kept burping and I thought he was faking it to get out of our plans for the day but then he threw up blood and almost passed out! I'm horrible!

A: Believe me Rachel, Calum loves you no matter what! Even if you were a little rude to him! He will still love you!

D: Hi sorry to interrupt but its seems Calum has Gastritis.

R: What is that? Is it bad?

D: No it is totally treatable! He will just be on some medication for a little while and he should be as good as new!

R: Oh thank you doctor!

A: That is great news!

C: What is?

Groggy Calum wakes up.

R: They said you have gastritis!

C: That's good news?

A: Hey its treatable! 

C: Haha yea I guess that's good!

R: I'm sorry for being such a bad girlfriend Calum!

C: You are never a bad girlfriend Rachel! I love you!

R: I love you too baby!!!!

A: Get a room!!!!!!

Calum heals and you two are stronger than ever! <3


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