Chapter 1

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❤️Jasmine's Point of View❤️

Great. Another year of hell. Just standing in front of the gates even scare me, and scares me the most actually. Like every start of each year, the nerves always get to me. My whole body is practically shaking, my heart's going a thousand beats per second, and I think I have to pee.


I looked down to my feet, as I walked towards... Hell. I don't even want to mention the name. I can't. Ugh. It even sounds stupid. I don't even know why I'm so nervous. Damn it, anxiety. Why do you do this to me?

I inhale and exhale slowly. 

Okay. Here it goes. I've been here for 3 years now, why is it so freaking hard? 

I open the doors, making my anxiety rise up higher. But surprisingly, it was very quiet. I guess I was pretty early. It's better than being late, right? But when I saw that one figure I identified very well, all of my nervousness died down. I felt the corner of my lips rise and my face muscles tensing. I ran over to the tall figure and gave him an affectionate hug.

"I missed you." I said out loud. And I meant it. I think that was the longest time we hadn't seen each other for, considering he did go onto a scout's camp for almost three quarters of last year, and I had been so... lonely.

"I missed you more." He replied. I blurted out a ridiculous giggle, while breaking off the cuddle.

"Have you made any boyfriends while I was gone?" He teased and gave me an annoying smirk. 

"Gale, really?" I scoffed out. "You know I won't, ever get a boyfriend."

"Hm... Then why is it that I would actually date you if I wasn't gay?" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Come. Help me find my locker." I gave him my hand, and he of course, took it. We're best friends and that's all. Anyway, the whole school probably knows that Gale is gay, and I'm perhaps the last girl in the school to even get a boyfriend. Or maybe even the last to be a virgin. Welcome to High School. 

 * * *

"Your locker is like 5 miles away from mine," Gale isn't in my class this year, and it'll be the first time. Because of the both of us being in the same class every year, our friendship had become closer every time, but this year? I'm not so sure. That's what worries me a little... 

"It'll be different," I started, while putting my books and stationary into the locker. "You, not being in the same class as me."

"Of course it'll be different." I noticed the sadness in his eyes. He once again put my arms around me, whilst I did the same. Before I closed my eyes, I saw eyes staring into mine from a distance. That's when the confusion hit me. 


Okay. He's that popular kind of guy you'd never want to be around. Well, that's what I hear anyway. Of course though, he's not as bad as his best mate Connor. Let's just say, they are the bad boys. It's quite self - explanatory. (Because *cough cough* cliche story. Ignore me. Proceed.)

Caleb cut the eye contact almost immediately after I caught him. 

"What was that?" I whispered, not meaning to say it out loud.


"It's fine, don't worry"

🌙Caleb's Point of View🌙


What happens if she isn't in my class this year? Even worse, what if she is? I've never been in her class before, well, except for third grade, when I first laid my eyes on her."

"Oi." I knew the voice way too well to not tell who it was. 


I sighed and clentched my jaw before turning to face him.  I forced my frown into a smirk. 

This again.

"Hey, dude!" I tried by best not to sound so forced. No, I'm not happy to see him, I'm dying inside. I always hated being someone I'm not, but it's just how I am. I have to act like this, or who knows what would happen. She probably won't ever see who I really am. I don't know what I've gotten myself into, to be honest. His eyes focus at the door of the classroom then back to me. 

"Why do you keep looking over there?" He comes out from behind me, with his loud, booming voice, making me flinch. 

"Just... Wondering who is in our class this year." I lied. Last thing I wanted was Connor knowing the truth.

He squinted his eyes in suspicion, of course. He suspects something. Connor is like a stupid, idiot - yet really incredibly smart. Which of course I would have to admit the 'smart' part. But it's true... 

"It's just a girl, okay?" I whispered, so softly, trying to add a smile to my words. I don't even think he heard me. 

"Uh... Who?" his smirk turned into a curious gaze. I kept my mouth shut... Maybe a little too long. 

"Caleb? Who is it? You can tell me anything. I'm your best bud." 

"Look, can we talk later?" I whisper angrily. Connor nods. I don't think I can trust Connor, and to be honest I never have. But maybe I should tell him. It was time I finally told someone. 

I slumped back into my chair, trying to forget the conversation I just had with Connor... And then I saw something in the corner of my eye. I saw someone. Suddenly my heart starts thumping rapidly. 


Walking into the classroom. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. 

She's in my class.

Jasmine is in my class this year.

❤️Jasmine's Point of View❤️

Gale wasn't in my class for the year, so I suppose it was time to make a new friend. I looked around to see if anyone in my previous classes were here as well, then I saw someone at the corner of my eyes walking towards me. I turned to face her. 

"Kaitlyn." I smiled.

"Jasmine," She nodded. Kaitlyn was in my class a few years ago when I was in primary school with a few other people. She was kind of a quiet, and shy girl, like me. Without hesitating we sat next to each other.

"New class. It's quite different, especially when we have those guys in our class." her eyes glanced at the 'bad boys'. That got me thinking.

Why was Caleb looking at me earlier this morning? And it wasn't just a normal stare, it was as if he was miserable about something. 

Doesn't matter. 

When the teacher walked in, all my thoughts got cut off, time to learn.



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