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Prompt: Person A plans a surprise party for Person B but Person B accidentally finds out about the party. They don't want to disappoint Person A (because they've worked really hard on the party) so Person B acts completely shocked and lets Person A believe they pulled off the surprise

Desc: Since my last one was posted so late I'm gonna try to make this one longer

"So he's doing it again." Maggie said, looking to Tara in both curiosity and not necessarily disbelief or disappointment, more like a look of 'wow, I should've expected this'. Tara turned to her and leaned on the couch.

"Yep, he's throwing another surprise party for you." Tara answered, although Maggie was asking a rhetorical question. Tara had pulled Maggie off of the street about twelve minutes prior to this conversation and brought her into Rick and Daryl's house, telling her the news she shouldn't have been told; that her husband was throwing yet another surprise party. He had thrown her one two years in a row, probably on different days due to their never knowing specifically what day it was, and both of them had been a huge failure. Glenn had always failed to plan out the details, so on the first year everyone showed up a night early and Glenn and Maggie were, let's say, getting a bit frisky after a night of drinking and they walked out of the bathroom in their house making out after their shower together to a crowd of very uncomfortable people. The second year, Glenn forgot to tell someone to make a cake and the people forgot to say surprise when Maggie unexpectedly walked in a few minutes early to their house. Maggie had really appreciated both efforts, but come on, you've failed twice, why even bother? But, Maggie knew that all Glenn cared about in the world was to make Maggie happy and she knew he wouldn't rest until he finally gave Maggie a successful surprise party on her birthday...that's just who Glenn was.

Maggie sighed and Tara chuckled, knowing exactly what Maggie was thinking.

"What are you gonna do? I mean, the last two surprise parties he threw for you were, um...less than successful." Maggie laughed and shook her head.

"Well, I have to just pretend I don't know. If another one of his parties goes wrong, it'll upset him big time." Maggie said, looking to Tara for any better ideas. Tara didn't have any, so she just gave Maggie a nod and walked into the bathroom.


Two hours later, Maggie had parted with Tara and she was taking her shift on lookout duty in the tower. Tara was the only one who knew that Maggie knew of the surprise party, and as Maggie sat in that tower being extremely bored, she hoped for Glenn's sake that Tara could keep her mouth shut and not let anything slip. Maggie couldn't stand to see Glenn's face if this party went wrong. Each year when something bad happened ruining the party, his face would immediately turn to a look of utter disappointment in himself. It was a terrible thing for Maggie to see because she knew just how hard he worked on them and how much he wanted her to be happy. She just wished that Glenn could understand that he didn't have to throw a party or bake her a cake or find her a present; any night with him was better than anything he could ever do for her and she would much rather spend a night sitting on the couch and laughing at the old magazines on the bookshelves in their pajamas, slowly leading into a kiss and another and another until they went up to bed and fell quickly asleep, her head on his chest and his arm wrapped around her than go to some party with a bunch of people who she knew would never love her and could never love her the way Glenn loved her and the way she loved him.

After her shift was over, she excitedly climbed down the steps to the tower and locked her gun in the footlocker below. As Maggie walked toward their house, she saw the lights on and the people inside and mentally prepared herself for her new journey of acting that she didn't know of this party her husband was throwing for her. Her heart was filled with joy just knowing that he would do all this three times in a row just to get it right for her.

Maggie reached their house and climbed up the stairs to the porch. She took a deep breath and opened the door, to reveal a crowd of people all yelling "Surprise!!!" in unison. She smiled and laughed and looked surprised, as she knew she was supposed to.


About twenty minutes later Maggie was sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine next to Rick and Carol with Daryl sitting beside the coffee table. Glenn walked over and grabbed Maggie's hand, pulling her up off of the couch and guiding her out their back door and onto their back porch. Once the door was closed, he looked at her and smiled before pulling her into a deep kiss. After it concluded, Maggie wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as he put his hands on her hips.

"What was that for?" Maggie asked.

"You knew." Glenn said out of a unable to stop smiling mouth.

"How did you know?" Maggie said, "Was my acting that bad?" Glenn laughed at that remark.

"No, you're acting was amazing, Maggie, I never would've known." At that, Maggie placed a kiss on his nose. He pulled her back after he planted a quick one on her lips, obviously still wanting to explain.

"How then?" Maggie inquired, still smiling.

"Tara told me." Glenn said. Maggie pursed her lips.

"Oh, that little..." She muttered before Glenn laughed and cut her off.

"I love you so much. Happy birthday." He pulled her in for another kiss, her not fighting him at all and loving every inch of him all at the same time, as she knew he felt the same way about her.

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