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PromptPerson A catches Person B wearing their shirt

Desc: This drabble is gonna take place out in public this time, which is something I don't usually do but yeah

Glenn bounds up the final step leading up to Deanna's porch and subsequently glances down at the pocket watch in his right hand. He's already 45 minutes late to the party and walking in could be social suicide. He considers this for a moment while breathing in the cold, dry air of the night and comes to the conclusion that in an apocalypse, it doesn't matter if you have a good reputation or not. Taking a deep breath, he slides the watch back into his pocket and places the now empty hand on the doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open to reveal the house full of people with beer bottles and glasses of liquor. Even though they've been there for almost a year now it still feels odd to see all of these people just laughing and talking without a worry in the world.

Glenn steps through the doorway and lets the door close behind him. His eyes search carefully through the room until he sees her, through a few entryways in the kitchen holding Hershel Jr. Maggie is wearing a t-shirt and jeans with her hair straight as ever, talking to Rick and Tara. Rick pinches Hershel Jr.'s cheek as Tara tickles him, Maggie smiling at her son. Glenn stifles a smirk and feels the rush of joy flow through him that he feels every time he sees either of those two people.

Glenn makes his way to the kitchen, bumping into people and accidentally touching a few people in way he could've gone his whole life without touching, but finally arrives to his wife and two-month-old son. Maggie looks his way and smiles at him. "Hey," Maggie says happily, leaning forward to kiss her husband. Glenn kisses his son on the forehead as Maggie releases him into Glenn's arms, interlocking her fingers with Glenn's. Glenn kisses her again as she runs her opposite fingers through his hair. Tara and Rick can tell they need some alone time, so Tara wanders off as Rick follows, not before squeezing Glenn on the shoulder and nods at him. Glenn faces his attention back on his wife and kisses her again, very happy to be in the situation he's now in. He smiles and lets out a chuckle, noticing one of the funniest things he's noticed in a long time.

"What?" Maggie asks, giggling and planting a kiss on Glenn's hand. Glenn continues laughing looks Maggie up and down.

"You're wearing my shirt." Glenn says through his laughter.

"It fits me." Maggie says with a shrug as Glenn pulls her closer and kisses her again.

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