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I think I'm behind on the 12 days but oh well when it's done it's done 😅
Prompt: Your otp is stargazing while person b is snuggled into person a's side and tells them how much their existence means to them
Desc: Basically the same as the prompt. Maggie's gonna be on the roof of their house and it's gonna be cute af so here we go

Glenn was downstairs in the living room flipping through the pages of one of the dusty books sitting in the bookshelf. Alexandrians usually had other things to attend to so none of the books in any of the houses (especially theirs) were read. Occasionally Glenn would grab one and skim through the pages just for the sake of nostalgia of when he used to read books at his grandmother's house as a kid. But sitting there on the comfy couch in their house was not the same. It all seemed fake no matter how hard they tried to make it real. It wasn't the real world now...not anymore.

Glenn closed the book and looked around the room. Maggie had told him she was using the restroom and putting on some comfier clothes at least a half hour ago. How could it take so long for one woman to put on some pajamas?
He set the book down next to him and stood up, walking fairly quickly to and up the staircase. When he reached the top of the stairs he noticed that the bathroom to the left was empty but Maggie's clothes were still slain in a heap across the tile floor. He walked into their room and didn't find her their either; but what he did find was an open window. He walked curiously over to the window to see Maggie, hair blowing in the wind and in her pajamas, sitting Indian-style on the roof of their house, looking up at the stars. Glenn couldn't help but stifle a giggle, because it was so like Maggie to disappear onto their roof in the late night and to just look at the stars.

Maggie must've heard the laugh because she cocked her head to the left and caught Glenn in the act. She started laughing too as he climbed out the window and sat down next to her, his legs hanging off the roof. As Glenn looked up at the stars Maggie stared at him, wondering just how lucky they had both been to find each other in the midst of all of this. It was moments like these that Maggie realized just how much Glenn meant to her and just how much she loved him.

Maggie pulled herself closer to Glenn and rested her head in the pocket between his arm and his side as he put his arm around her. She hung her legs off the edge of the roof just like his as he intertwined one of his legs with hers. Glenn looked down at Maggie and kissed her head before she lifted her head up and kissed him on the lips. She put her head back down and closed her eyes, completely content with the world.

"I love you so much, Maggie." Glenn said as a smile creeped across Maggie's face. "No, I'm not kidding. You mean everything to me. I love you. More than anything in this world, I love you."

"I love you too Glenn." Maggie replied.

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