Chapter Forty-Six

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(Trouble's POV)

I was beginning to run out of breath as the Brine Hunters were getting closer. "Can't I ever catch a break?" I mumbled to myself while continuing to run. "I see her!" I heard one hunter shout. "Aw crap," I muttered as I quickly climbed a tree and sat on a branch. "Please don't see me. Please don't see me." I whispered over and over with my fingers crossed as the hunters ran past. I waited several minutes before climbing back down. I sighed pulling out the last bit of food I had from my backpack. "Well, Trouble this is your last bit of food," "Best make it count and hope it taste great," I made a face and then began to eat. Now I'll be honest I'm always running from the hunters, so it's only myself that I have to talk to. It's how I try to not feel all that lonely, and to salvage the little bit of sanity I have left. Without it I'll truly be a monster and we certainly can't have that happening. I finished eating and stood up before a blade was pressed against my neck. "Don't. Do. Anything." A voice hissed in my ear. "It's a hunter." I thought before teleporting behind the hunter (who seemed to have strayed from his group). "If you want me your gonna have to actually grow a pair, and fight me bro." I said with a smirk. The hunter let out a yell and charged at me while swinging his sword. "Dude you totally missed I'm like right here." I said after I teleported behind him. He spun around in surprise before growling and swinging his sword again, and just like before I teleported. This time reappearing from the side. "Uh right here man." The hunter screamed with frustration and swung his sword just like the last two times. And I teleported right in front of him. "Right-" I then froze and saw a sword protruding from my torso. It seemed I had fallen for the hunters trap. This group appeared to be smarter then all the others. I immediately dropped to the ground as all the other hunters emerged from their hiding places. "Is she dead?" Asked one timidly. The hunter nudged me with his boot before replying. "I believe so-" He started before my eyes snapped back open, o grabbed his ankle quickly. "Just kidding!" I let out a absolutely terrifying sounding laugh and threw him. The resounding crack of his neck echoed indicating his death. I stood up and pulled the sword out and picked each hunter off while laughing evilly. When they were all dead, I grinned and licked the blood off the blade of the sword. "Like I always say...Nobody knows the trouble I've seen."
In the medical wing of the castle in Nightwick the sound of a crying baby echoed down the halls. Midnight smiled and held out her arms, to hold her daughter for the first time. "Welcome to the world Willow Charmaine Nightwick." She whispered as she kissed her daughter's forehead. Willow yawned and stared at Midnight intently. Midnight felt somewhat glad she wasn't the only one in her family who had glowing white eyes (not counting Josh) anymore. That's when Ryu ran in with unfortunate news...

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