Chapta fourrrr

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*Finley's POV*

Harry stood up and pulled his shoes on. "We are going to go to the supermarket, because we need food."

I shrugged and put my boots on. Even though it was only September, New York was cold.

"FINLEY AND I ARE GOING TO THE STORE! BYEEE!" Harry called into the hallway.

We walked out of the building into the busy city. Harry had put on sunglasses and a beanie, and had his hood up over his head. He saw I had nothing and handed me a pair of sunglasses and pulled my sweatshirt hood over my head.

"Don't want any pictures taken, now do we?"

I nodded and put the glasses on.

We walked down the side walk talking about stupid things we did as kids and just anything that came up. We finally reached the store and walked inside to a blast of hot air. I reached to take off the sunglasses, but Harry slapped my hand away from my face.

"Don't take them off. People can still take pictures in stores."

"At least take your hood off Harry. You look ridiculous."

Harry sighed and took his hood down.

"Let's get the things we need and go."

I nodded and followed him through the store, him picking up anything he thought they needed. Once we got to the sweets isle, we were in heaven.

"Finley..." Harry said slowly.

"Yes Harry?"

"Get anything you want" he said looking at me "I'm paying."

I smiled like a kid on Christmas and went crazy. I grabbed a basket from the end of the isle and put anything that looked appealing into it. When I was done, I had Twizzlers, M&Ms, 3 Musketeers, Snickers, Milky Ways, 7 different types of ice cream, 4 bags of marshmallows, 2 cans of frosting, a jar of marshmallow creme, 3 bags of gummies, and much, much more. I looked at Harry's basket and all he had was a couple chocolate bars.

"Harry! I thought you loved sweets!"

He looked at me, grinning. "I knew you would go crazy. We can share right?"

I smirked. "Maybe. Now lets go get sunflower seeds."

We walked towards the front of the store and I took 5 bags of sunflower seeds and put them in my basket.

"Harry we forgot something." I told him as I started to walk towards the back of the store.

"What?" He said, following me.

I grabbed 10 bottles of whip cream. "Whipped cream."

Harry grinned and put 14 bottles in his basket.

"To the checkout!"

We skipped to the front of the store and went to the self checkout.

"Let's do it in Spanish Harry!"

I clicked on Spanish and started to check everything out. I laughed every time the machine said something. Harry paid and we walked back to the apartment, only running into one fan. Once we got back I grabbed the bag that had all my stuff in it and took it to my room. I hid it in the closet underneath my suitcase. It was my food, too bad for the boys. I put the ice cream in the freezer in the kitchen.

"I say pig out later Harry?" I asked as I walked out of the kitchen.

"Of course. I'm ordering pizza for dinner."

I smiled. "At this rate, I'll gain 50 pounds by November."

Harry laughed and I sat next to him on the couch. "Whatcha doin?"

He had his phone out and was on Instagram. "Random stuff. Why?"

I took the phone out of his hands and ran down the hallway, looking for somewhere to hide. The room I was staying in didn't have a lock so I couldn't go there. I opened a random door and ran inside. Once I had the door safely locked, I realized I was in someone's bedroom. Looking at the pictures and posters, I could tell it was Harry's. I laughed while he pounded on the door yelling at me.

"Nice room Tricycle Man!" I yelled while thinking of something to tweet.

"Finleyyyyyyy unlock the doooooooor!" Harry whined from the other side.

"Never in a million years Harry Styles." I said as I composed the perfect tweet.

@harry_styles: so um guys I have a confession... I'm actually a woman and I am sexually attracted to fruit. Sorry for any confusion x

I burst out laughing as soon as I sent it. Now time for Instagram. I posted a picture I found in his camera roll, a selfie from a while ago.

'Swaggity swelfie here's a selfie! Haha I'm so funny lol holla for a dolla! #selfie #instagood #instalike'

(I swear people actually do this and ugh no)

I went through his contacts and changed all the numbers except mine to his moms number. I didn't change the names or the pictures, just the numbers. I grinned at my success and unlocked the door. Harry came running in and grabbed the phone of his dresser.

"I hate youuuu!" He yelled.

"Have fun Harry." I walked into the hallway laughing. I ran right into Niall, not watching where I was going.

"Sorry!" We both said at the same time. We laughed and I ran and flopped behind the couch. Niall headed straight to the kitchen.

"Don't eat too much. We're having a feast later." I yelled as I positioned myself so Harry wouldn't see me. Niall rolled his eyes at me and went bag to eating the chips he had. Harry came running from the hallway with his phone in his hand.

"NIALL WHERE IS FINLEY I'M GOING TO KILL HER AND HER FIRST BORN CHILD!" He yelled. I held back my laughter as I hid.

"Now Harry, murder is never the answer. Would you like some chips to calm you down?"

"You're no help Niall." Harry came and sat on the couch deleting the tweet and the picture on Instagram, at least he hadn't found out about the contacts.

I grinned as he laid down, this would be a perfect time to attack. I hurtled over the back of the couch and landed on Harry's stomach. I laughed hysterically while he groaned in pain.

"Fin you need to lay off the junk" I rolled off of Harry next to him and pouted.

"Heeeeey Finley it's ok I still love you" Harry came over and wrapped his arms around me. I stayed still until he let go.

"You're mean Harry"

"Hey you're the one who took my phone" I laughed at the thought of the fans going crazy about Harry's 'confessions'.

"Order dinner Harry, I'm hungryyyy" He rolled his eyes and got his laptop. He ordered the pizza and when he was done he went on twitter.




A/N: So this was kind of short I guess idk but I was being lazy yesterday an I'm uploading today so yeah.

I was watching old Connor Franta videos and that's where the sexually attracted to fruit part came from.

Now I'm going to tell you the story of my bestest friends problem.

My friend Kayla had this problem where she would say hashtag every sentence so every time she would say hashtag we would start saying those over used hashtags like #instagood #instamood #instalike #like4like #follow4follow and such and yeah so I'm laughing oh memories but yeah she's da best ilysm gurl

Picture of Kaylee on the side!

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