Run Away. Chapter 15.

Start from the beginning

I saw me. My face. I saw her memories of us. It was interesting to see my memories of us from her perspective. These were the moments that I realised just how much she loved me. Her thoughts and feelings screamed it. I smiled to myself. Deciding to use this time wisely, I went over what had happened earlier in my head.


Carlisle and Esme looked at each other. My eyes flashed to Renesmee, she was watching them intently. Jasper looked like he was about to spontaneously combust across the room, Alice has a small smile on her face.

'Ok. We will help you. I remember Alec from my stint at the Volterra. Always so cold, so distant. He was almost as bad as Jane.' Carlisle looked directly at me. 'He's different now. I can see it. He looks complete. If Renesmee is the reason for this positive change, then I can see nothing wrong with them being together. Renesmee, ever since you got back here you have seemed different. I know your mother and father tried to put it down to the horrific things you must've seen at Volterra. I could see differently; once you've been around as long as I have you learn a thing or two. The Volturi may be evil, but they are a family. I saw Aro with you, he welcomed you. They would've treated you like family, and I'm sure that if you voiced your concern about being near when they fed, the would have let you go. I don't believe you saw too many horrific things. Trying to make your parents hear that though, that is something very difficult to do. So we will help you. Tomorrow you will both come to the main house, where Esme and myself will you give the keys to the house on Isle Esme. You can stay there for a while.'

I froze. They were going to help us. We were going to be ok. I looked at Renesmee, her mouth had fallen open, her eyes locked on her grandfather, she had even stopped breathing. I squeezed her hand, which brought her back. Her head snapped round to look at me, and a huge smile split across her face. She jumped up and ran to her grandparents, hugging them both. I heard her squealing thank- yous. Carlisle looked at me, I smiled at him and nodded, showing my gratitude. He smiled back at me, smiling too.


I looked down at Renesmee, she looked so peaceful. I continued to stroke her hair, and thought about our future for the rest of the night.

The next morning, after Renesmee had eaten some toast, which also worried me, we walked casually to the main house. We walked in hesitantly, until Carlisle walked through to the lounge and informed us that everyone else was out hunting.

'We told them to stay away from the cottage, that you were there with Alice and Jasper. We told them that something had happened when you were out hunting yesterday, and you needed some space to think and calm down. Jacob went a bit tense when I said that, Edward obviously wanted to know why, what happened. When you see them later you'll have to explain what has happened.' Carlisle told us.

I felt Renesmee stiffen beside, she looked down and sucked in a breath. I eyed her questioningly.

'Here, let me give you this before I forget.' Esme said as she walked into the room with us. She was holding 3 keys. 'This is for the car, this is for the boat, and this one is for the house. You'll need all three to get my Island.' She explained as she handed me a map.

'We've mapped out where you need to go, directions to take etc.' Carlisle interjected, as he handed us a brown envelope. 'And in there is everything you will need. Credit cards, I.D, plane tickets, phone numbers, everything.'

'When's the flight?' Renesmee asked.

'First thing tomorrow morning.'

'Ok. Thank you, Grandpa, Grandma. I'm going to miss you guys so much.'

'Oh, Renesmee, don't worry. We will be right on the other end of the phone. No matter the time, you know it doesn't matter.' We all chuckled a little at that. Renesmee nodded, and leant into my side.

I moved her to the couch, where she curled up beside me. Her grandparents had walked back though to the kitchen, giving us space.

'Alec, I think we should go now.' Renesmee whispered to me. 'We can't tell them. You know we can't.'

'I know. Do you not want to explain things to your parents though? Tell them what happened with the dog' I felt anger course through me as the memory flashed through my mind again.

'I know what we can do.' She whispered back to me.

Alice POV.

I walked in on Bella sobbing into Edwards shoulder, his arms were wrapped around her, his eyes staring at the beanbag chair Renesmee liked to sit in. I saw Bella cringe suddenly, and look up through the window of the house.

'Jacob's taking it rough.' She stated, her voice sounded dead.

She untangled herself slowly from Edwards grip. He just sat, staring at the chair. I walked around with Bella to see a note laying on the bean bag chair.

'They went. They went without saying goodbye. My daughter has left us again. And its all our fault. We drove our daughter away.' Bella sobbed as she handed me the letter.

To mum and dad,

I know you're probably very mad at me, but I had to do this. I couldn't stay and pretend I was happy. None of you were listening to me when I said that I didn't love Jacob. I love Alec. Yesterday, when I went out to hunt, Jacob followed me. He asked me to marry him, even though I had told him that I didn't love him. He got angry with me, and we argued. He phased right in front of me, and went to attack me. If it wasn't for Alec turning up right then, and protecting me, I would be dead. Alec has protected me from so much. I hope that one day you will realise how good he is.

I'm so sorry it had to be like this, but I needed to get away. Don't be mad at Alice, Jasper, Grandpa and Grandma; they were only helping me. One day I will come back, with Alec. I hope you know just how much we are in love. You two should know how it is to be in love, to not be able to resist it. You always told me that no matter what you did, you could never stop loving one another. That is exactly what it is like for Alec and me, I can't live without him, and I don't want to.

I can only wish that when you get the number I am using, and when you call me that you tell me that you forgive me, that you are happy for me.

Please look after each other, and Jacob.

I love you,



Dear Edward and Bella.

I am sure that you hate me right now. I am sure you feel as though I have stolen your daughter from you, but I have not. I will bring her back to you as soon as you have all calmed down. Hopefully, you believe me when I say how much I love your daughter. I will look after her, protect her.

Renesmee is my world. I now know what my existence is for, it is for her. I will not be taking her back to Volterra, I hope that that eases your mind somewhat. We will call you when we arrive at our destination, and maybe in time you two can come and join us.

I hope that you will be happy for us, and I give you my word that I will protect, and love your daughter with every fibre of my being.


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