Chapter 7

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Ferris POV

I don't remember how many beers I had drank that night or how many times I laughed at the guys but dam. I haven't been this drunk in like three years. I think I passed out on the couch some where between 2 am and 3 am on the red couch inbewteen Barney and some one else. God I was gonna have such a headache in the morning.

When I woke up I yawned and stretched my arms over my head then saw I was in a bed that had black sheets and was really warm. It smelt nice, like axe body spray and black licorice. Wait  second!!!! That's what Barney smells like! 

I quickly looked down at myself and breathed out in relief to see I still had my clothes on. Thank the lord! 

I guess since I passed out the couch Barney must have brought me up here. He couldn't really drive me home even though he wasn't as drunk but since he didn't know where I lived.

Oh well. I stood up straightening my jacket that was kind of wrinkled from me sleeping in it. Then went to the bathroom to wash my face and wake up. I used my fingers to comb my hair out but eventually gave up and just put it up in a bun. I looked at the small black clock in Barney's room 11:13.

I walked out of the room and heard voices down stairs. It sounded like Barney and Tool. I made my way down the stairs and saw Barney sitting with his shirt of and back to me to show a beautiful tattoo of a skull with a crow on top. As well as intrecet designs on his shoulders that made him more buff looking. It was sexy to look at let me tell you.

I heard the sound of a tattoo needle and saw Tool finishing up the bottom of the skull. I always like how Tool did tattoos he had done my tattoos you know. I have a close to finished black raven on my back as well as a rose on my hip. 

Tool turned to look at me and smiled " Sleeping beauty finally awakes " he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. " Good morning to you too" I said blandly and open the small white fridge to get a bottle of water. 

" Say, when we ever gonna finish your tattoo ?" Tool asked as he continued with Barneys back tattoo. Barney didn't even flinch from the needle. I shrugged as I took a sip of water " We can do it today" I told him leaning on the wall.

Tool nodded " Ok I'll be done in about 5 minutes " Tool said. 

Soon enough Barney was done and put his shirt black shirt back on sadly. I smiled at him and he nodded hello as I sat down in the seat. I took off my shirt leaving me in my bra that thankfully didn't get in Tools way of doing the tattoo. I saw Barney in the back ground watching but he looked away when I caught him. I felt the needle hit my skin and winced once but then relaxed. 

Finally I was getting this stupid tattoo done with.

Barney POV

Barney had only drank three beers last night witch was nothing for him since he had a high tolerance but Ferris on the other hand must have drank like 7 and was stoned. It was actually kind of funny to watch her and the guys make fun of each other a laugh. 

Around 2:45am Ferris had passed out on the couch so Banrey carried her up stairs to my room. She was s pretty light person. 

Before you perverts think I was doing something weird I wasn't. I just didn't want her sleeping on the couch. 

 Barney laid her on the bed then pulled the black sheet of my bed over her softly. She looked so peaceful asleep with her heart locket around her neck. Barney cautiously ran a finger over her soft warm creamy cheek  then left the room. 

He crashed on the sofa then woke up and had Tool do his tattoo. He had taken off his shirt and talked to Tool.

"So brother I see you gettin awful close to Ferris" Tool said with a knowing smile etched on his features. Barney smiled softly and avoided Tools gaze " I have no idea what your talking about" He said back.

" Uh huh, sure"Tool said sarcastically.

Tool had been working on him for about 30 minutes when he saw Ferris walking down the stairs tiredly. He saw her stare at his shirtless back for a while and inwardly smirked to himself .

Ferris then started talking to Tool about her tattoo. Barney hadn't known she had a tattoo. But he betted it was sexy as hell.

Barney put his shirt back on then watched as Ferris took her shirt off to show a beautiful tattoo of a bird, that must have been a raven. Now it was his turn to stare but Ferris had caught him and he looked away quickly.

He sighed running his hands through his hair. What the hell was happening!

Once I get to 60 reads and 15 votes I shall update :)

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