Chapter 2

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Ferris Pov

It was really just your typical night at the well known club Parìdise. Music was blasting ( specifically the current song playing was S.A.X. by Teïesto), half dressed weman were dancing and "talking" to the numerous men who came in, and booze flowing every where. Not that I was into the whole taking a guy home for one night thing but if it wasn't for that than this place would literally be paridise for me. Something about this club felt like a long lost home in a really weird kind of way. 

Currently I was just laying down on one of the many cube like white couches in the club that were very comfortable and was reading How to Kill a Mocking Bird by Lee Harper. Yes I know, reading a novel in club seems very weird but honestly a 39 year old like my self shouldn't be half dressed and dancing in a club. That's more of a 25 year old thing any way. 

Besides, I'm actually here for business, specifically on the category of fire arms and other means of weapons. This club is just where I make my deals with people who want weapons. It's a pretty well paying but dangerous job. 

I was still reading and finishing my second glass of bourbon when a familiar Hispanic voice filled the already loud and noises air. " Ferris, it's nice to see you again" Tool said gleefully with this broad smile plastered on his face. I looked up over my book to see him and two other men. One had a shaved head and an English kind of face. The second was a tall, relitivly good looking, tan Hispanic man with black hair and tattoos peeking from under his vest. My eyes lingered on him a bit longer, he had a bit of an overpowering presence that seemed to demand respect. I casually smiled in greeting at all of them.

"Tool! It's good to see you again" I said standing up and giving Tool a quick hug and nodded in greeting to the other two guys then we all sat down. " So how may I help you three?" I asked placing a bookmark in-between the pages of my book and looked at the men. The tall guy with black hair spoke up " We hear your a weapons dealer and would like to perhaps ask for some guns" Barney said with his straight business face on that would intimidate any body. I nodded " Alright then what type of big guns we talking about" I said leaning forward in an interested manner. 

For the next 10 minutes the three filled me in on abou how many guns they wanted and when they would need them and what they would pay me. All that boring stuff you know. But then Tool decided to speak up " So Ferris, I know you never inquire or ever want to know where the guns your giving people are going but your the only person I could ask about this" Tool said with complete seriousness on his face .

I rose a brow wondering what was up " Yeah just throw it at me" I said shrugging and looking at him oddly. " Well you were one of the only people to have ever escaped Fransisco Rodica " Tool said and watched as my entire face seemed to darken at the mention of his name. " These two are mercenaries who need information about the layout of his base. I understand that I'm asking a lot right now but I don't want them to go in blind" Tool stated. I looked at him dead straight no longer smiling or feeling those good effects of bourbon. That name seemed to echo in my head, that basterd Fransisco. My hand found itself fingering the heart locket around my neck nervously. 

I looked down trying to push the sad memories from my mind then turned my head up looking at the two mercenaries. Specifically the intimidating brunette by the named Barney Ross. " You two have no idea what you are heading into " I told them gravely while crossing my arms over my chest. 

Bareny's Pov

Barney looked around the club that was bustling with topless wemon and all manners of drugs were just being passed around him. He had never really like clubs but then again he doesn't like a a lot of things. " Alright so where's this Ferris girl at?" Barney asked looking around the crowed club. How could you find any body in here? Brad Pitt could have been standing 12 feet away and you wouldn't be able to see him. Guess it pays off to be tall sometimes.

"Follow me" Tool said and started leading Lee and I towards the back of the club. Several of the wemon and even one who looked a bit too masculine to be classified as a female stripper brushed up against him trying to get his attention. He never understood why young wemon like older guys, I mean not all old guys are even rich any way.

Soon enough they all saw this one pretty blonde girl sitting with her legs creased beside her in a white chair reading a book and sipping some kind of drink that was clear. She was one of the few fully clothed wemon in the club, possibly the only one. She was wearing a turquoise cotton shirt that hugged her skin softly and black jeans. A silver heart locket dangled from around her creamy skinned neck. She was a very pretty wemon and it seemed weird that she was a weapons dealer. 

" There our girl" Tool said not bothering to point it out. " Can I just be the first to point out that she is fine" Lee said with this weird flirty look on his face. Barney couldn't help but laugh " I though you had a girlfriend" Barney stated looking at him. Lee just let out a chuckle " I was just kidding I don't do blondes any way " Lee said smirking. Barney rolled his eyes " Stop goofing off" Barney said but was still smiling. 

The three walked up to the girl who was absorbed in to her book. " Ferris, how nice it is to see you again" Tool greeted with a big smile on his face. Her blue eyes peeled away from the book and she smiled back."Tool it's good to see you again" She exclaimed in a bright voice. She stood up to hug Tool and Barney noticed she was only like 5'5. He tried to keep his game face on but it had been a while since he had met a pretty girl. He never was any good when it came to girls either. 

Tool introduced Barney and Lee as we sat down in 4 white cubical chairs. Her eyes seemed to have lingered on my for little while longer before they started talking business. Her prices were pretty agreeable and her guns were known to be very reliable. She was defiantly one of those people that gives you a good price and then doesn't budge from that price no matter the reasoning. 

" So Ferris, I know you never like to inquire or even know about where the guns your getting are going but I have to ask you this" Tool said with complete seriousness. Ferris tilted her head, almost like a cat, " Go ahead throw it at me" She said and took a sip of that clear liquid that smelt like bourbon. 

" Well you were one of the only people to have ever escaped Fransisco Rodica " Tool said and watched as her entire face seemed to darken at the mention of his name. " These two are mercenaries who need information about the layout of his base. I understand that I'm asking a lot right now but I don't want them to go in blind" Tool stated. Barney saw her fiddle with the locket around her neck and wondered if it was just a nervous tick or if it had something to do with this Fransiisco guy. Her pretty features looked uncharitically scared.

" You two have no idea what your heading into" She declared looking at both Lee and Barney.

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I know some of you may want the main character to be like 19 but honestly Barney is like 50 something and it gets a little weird with a 30 year age difference.

My first book so I hope it's ok ish.

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