Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As Cheryl entered the theatre, she immediately felt all the eyes in the room fall on her. It was a feeling she had grown accustomed to over the last few years. It was a feeling that, in certain situations, she had even grown to enjoy. Like when she was on stage performing or when she was judging on the X Factor. It was empowering when people enjoyed her talents and respected her opinions. It was the part of all this fame that she could make work in her favour.

At times like this; however, when she was alone in unfamiliar territory, she found it slightly unnerving. All the whispering faces that greeted her were totally unfamiliar to her, yet, they knew even some of the most intimate details of her life. Mustering up her best smile, she walked towards a nearby group of people who immediately stopped whispering as she approached.

“Hi, I’m looking for Kimberley Walsh. Do you know where I could find her?” she asked.

Looking completely bewildered, the people paused in silence before one of them spoke.

“She’s…er….she’s around here somewhere…I think” a bald guy of about thirty stuttered.

“Okay. Thanks” Cheryl smiled in appreciation, secretly thinking how little help that information really was. Scanning the vast theatre to no avail, she was just about to go back and wait in the car when she heard a familiar laugh making her heart flutter in anticipation.

Glancing in the direction of the sound, Cheryl stopped to admire its source giggling at God knows what with a group of girls. She looked so carefree, her nose wrinkling with each laugh she gave.

Smiling at Kimberley’s obliviousness to her own cuteness, Cheryl approached the group slowly before purposefully stopping a few metres away to catch her attention. After a second or two, she did just that and, seeing Kimberley’s eyes light up when she spotted her and a shy grin spread across her lips, Cheryl’s heart fluttered a second time.

“Hey you” Cheryl half sang.

Saying a quick goodbye to the girls she had been speaking to, Kimberley made her way towards Cheryl, her smile turning to a frown.

 “You are in so much trouble!” she told her girlfriend in a half whisper as she approached, taking her by the elbow to lead her a little further away from all the curious ears.

“What?” Cheryl asked in confusion. “We’ve been a couple for less than twenty four hours! How could I possibly have done something wrong in that space of time?”

“The girls heard!” Kimberley told her, still speaking lowly. Cheryl’s confusion only grew.

“Heard what?” she asked, now also whispering although she wasn’t quite sure why.

“Us!” Kimberley stated, her whisper becoming a hiss.

“Heard us what?”

“Doing it!”

“Doing what?”

 “THEY HEARD US HAVING SEX CHERYL!” Kimberley yelled, her frustration at Cheryl’s confusion getting the better of her. A short silence followed between the two girls and indeed, it seemed, between everyone else in the theatre. Kimberley was puce with mortification but Cheryl couldn’t contain herself any longer. Throwing her head back, a loud boisterous laugh broke the silence infuriating Kimberley further.

“Ugh!” she huffed as she bean to walk away to walk away.

“Oh babe…” Cheryl called after her. “Don’t be like that. I’m sorry. It’s just kind of funny that’s all.” Jogging to catch up with a determinedly angry Kimberley, Cheryl grabbed her shoulder as she caught up with her and turned her to face her again. “I’m sure you’ve overheard them at some point or another?”

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