2|fake people|

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chapter II

End of the day:

The bell rang and we all exited the gymnasium, it was my last class of the day.

I saw Sam walk past me.

"Asshole." I said. He stopped for second...smirked and continued on his way.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to Olivia and Regan.

"3:30 to 5:00 I have Track." I said.

"Volleyball Practice 3:30 to 5:00." Olivia added.

"Swim Meet 3:30 to 5:00." Regan finished.

"Isn't there a game at 6:00?" I asked.

"Yeah." Regan said.

"That's what I heard on the announcements." Olivia shrugged.

"But that means some of the guys will be there." I stated.

"Mmmm great." Regan spoke in a sarcastic tone.

I laughed and shook my head as we all left.

I got to my car and checked the time, it was 3:15. I grabbed my bag and ran into the school as Regan pulled out of the  parking lot because the building where our schools swim team was held, was at a different building. Olivia wasn't close behind me because they have Volleyball in the gymnasium. We walked into the girls locker room, and changed into our appropriate uniforms for practice.

"I'll see you." I said to Olivia as I shut my gym locker and ran out of the exit doors leading to the track where all the girls were.


Once it was all over, everyone was exhausted. I was downing a water bottle, to help cool me off and catch my breath.

Some of the other girls on the team asked me if I wanted to hang out.

"Hey do you wanna come with us to Dairy Queen. I think we've earned it." Vanessa Riggs asked me, slightly laughing.

"No I can't I'm sorry." I said putting everything in my duffle bag and wiping my forehead, as her smile dropped.

"Oh come on." She begged. "Sorry." I said standing up and lightly jogging back into the gym.

Vanessa's POV

"Does she think she's too good for us or something." I said rolling my eyes as Halle jogged back into the building.

"She kinda is." Melissa said.

I looked at her.

"Hey at least I can admit she is better than us. She is one of the most popular girls in school but she acts normal, and she stays in her own group.....Plus she's faster than us." She stated, beginning to annoy me.

"Shut up before you make things worse." Alexis shhhed her.

"Sorry." Melissa shrugged cutting her eyes in a different direction.

"I'm only being nice because I saw Sam flirting with her this morning." I said.

They both gasped.

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