Chapter 14 - Heart To Heart

Start from the beginning

I shrug it off. "I'll suffer for you. But you're my human shield." I point a finger at her.

"I would be honored. But, let's save that for night time, 'cause that's when it's best."

She's trying to kill me.

Storm ended up picking Aladdin. Cause when it comes to watching movies with me, a good amount of them need to be Disney. I'm a huge child.

While we were belting out the lyrics to 'A Whole New World' a knock was sounded at my door and I went to grab the pizza and bread sticks. I took the boxes into my arms and thanked the delivery guy, giving him his tip, and making my way back to the living room. The song was just ending when I set the pizza down on the table. Storm got up and went to the kitchen to get the napkins and drinks.

We watched movie after movie. From Disney, to romance, to adventure, to horror when the evening came. Storm and I have never spent so much time together. I feel like she hasn't been totally distant like she normally is when she comes back home from the tours with her ex's.

When we finally finished Blair Witch Project  it was only ten at night, so we decided to stay up and talk for a little while before heading to bed, since I had to be up in the morning for work.

"So what happened with your last ex? What made you come home again?" I ask her, leaning my head back on the couch.

"I don't know. He just didn't live up to my expectations." She shrugged, taking a bite of the now cold pizza.

"I know when you're lying." I smile.

"Fine! He cheated on me with one of his fucking roadies. Like seriously? I travel around with you assholes from city to city, from state to state, and you fucking go around and fuck other chicks behind my back?! Like legit, his band mate told me he's been fucking other girls since the day we started going out. I hate men. So I'm going to be here for a while." She huffs out, crossing her arms in front of her, then looks at me. "If that's okay with you?" She asks, hopeful.

I let out a laugh. "Yes it's fine, Storm. But if you're going to be staying for a while, can I talk about rent?" I didn't want to ask her for money before because it's pointless when she's just going to go off with another guy in a few weeks. But since she's staying, I should ask.

"Girl, I got enough money saved up to help out for three months. I'm going to be looking for a job this week too so I don't have to dip too much into my savings. I want to travel before I'm too old."

Storm has always wanted to travel around the world and see the sights different countries have to offer. Her parents never took her farther than Florida, which she hated with a passion. She said it was always too hot.

"So then rent is eight-hundred. Do you want to just pay utilities?" I'm not going to make her pay four hundred right off the bat. We will work up to that, unless this deal works out good.

Storm smiles and nods. "Hell yes!"

I just laugh and get off the couch. "I'm going to head to bed. Work in the morning." I yawn and let out a big stretch before scratching the back of my head, more than likely messing up my rats nest called hair even more.

"Night bestie. It was awesome hanging out with you all weekend." She smiles, getting off the couch to give me a hug.

I hug her back. "It was definitely an awesome weekend. Thank you for helping me relax and not think about stressful things."

"Sorren, you seriously needed it." She told me, pulling away from the hug. "You need to stop worrying about the guys in your life and just worry about you. Forget about Nixon and Kingdon. I swear to god if you bring Kingdon back into this house I will cut his balls and stick off. That fucker won't be able to reproduce if he even tried!"

I give her a sour face. "I would never ever bring Kingdon back in here. But with Nixon, I feel like it's going to be a bit more difficult. He makes me feel special, Storm." Just thinking about Nixon gives me butterflies. From him falling on top of me the first day to just the other night where he took me to the weird rap battle and told me about his past. He just makes me feel all kinds of crazy.

"I get that, Sorren. But do you seriously think an eighteen year old is worth your time? Nixon is hot, I'll give him that. He seems to make you happy, which earns points, but think about it. I'm being rational. Do you want to be hanging around an eighteen year old? Does he act mature for his age?" Storm asks, genuinely wanting to have an opinion on Nixon. I can't blame her for asking these questions. I know she's all for Team Nixon, but these are things that I need to think about.

I let out a short laugh. "You're going to stress me out. But yes. He acts pretty mature, and I don't know. He doesn't even look eighteen. He looks older, don't you think?"

Storm just smiles and shakes her head. "He does look older, yes. I'm sorry for stressing you out. I just worked all weekend trying to get you stress free. Better me to crumble it than anyone else right? Look, if you like Nixon, I'm not going to judge you on his age or anything. If he makes you happy, then I'm happy."

"He makes me happy yes, but I'm still not sure if he's even worth risking my job over or worth my time." I tell her honestly. No matter how happy Nixon makes me, I just can't help but thinking about the consequences that comes with being with him. I could lose the job I worked so hard to get. It's not very easy finding a teaching job right out of college, I'll tell you that. Is this guy really worth it?

Storm smiles and gives me a push towards my room. "Go to bed, you have work in the morning."

I can tell she wants to talk about Nixon some more, but I just want to stop thinking about him before I'm up all night. I head to bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning I wake up and do my daily morning ritual before dressing in a black pencil skirt with a red blouse and a black blazer paired with my regular black pumps. I say goodbye to Storm before heading to my car.

I walk into the school and make my way into my classroom to find it littered with flowers.

"What the hell?" I walk over to my desk and set my things down before taking one of the little cards off the plastic stem and opening it.

I'm sorry -K

I look at the card, playing with it in my hands. Maybe I should talk to him, but I don't want to talk to him now, make him think that I'm only after material objects. If anyone should be getting flowers, it should be him. I kicked him out just because I couldn't handle my emotions.

I take a pen and cross of his name on the card to write mine. Sticking the card on the plastic stem again, I turn around only to see Kingdon standing in my doorway. "Can we talk?"


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I still have an hour to go until it's over, but I wanted to give you all an update as a small present. I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday :)

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:D -FallenTorment16

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