"I rarely talk to him and I really don't want to see him again, but I know that's impossible." I avoided eye contact with Cheryl, eating a strawberry instead.

Julian was a tough subject. He was a cute, charming, and a filthy rich son of a bitch who went to our rival boarding school, St. Marks along with Blake and unfortunately he was in the same squad as me. He was Blake's best friend just like Cheryl was mine and we dated for a year and a half, which was the most drama filled year and a half of my life.

"He might be going out with us this weekend for Thanksgiving break, but I'm not sure." She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Cheryl stared at me for a moment before glancing away at something else that caught her attention. Meanwhile I finished my breakfast and kept mostly to myself.

When breakfast was over I scurried back to my room to grab my backpack, Cheryl was already in her first period and I would be meeting her after my first period, if I could make it on time.

On my way out of my room I noticed an envelope slipped under the door, which wasn't there when I went inside. I picked it up curiously, figuring I had a few minutes to spare before going to class. It was addressed to me and I wasn't sure who it was from. No one ever writes me, unless it's my grandma and that's only in the summer.

Opening it carefully I pulled out the folded piece of paper and unfolded it, scanning over it quickly before actually reading it.

It read:

Ms. Winters,

I understand what happened yesterday was completely inappropriate and illegal in all of the fifty states; it shouldn't have happened and it won't, ever again.

If push comes to shove, I will take full responsibility for my actions. God may look down on the both us, but he is forgiving. With a little confession and prayer, we should hopefully be off the hook.

In the meantime, I would like to keep our encounters minimal, until we are both forgiven and we can handle each other, in public again. Please don't put me in this situation or touch me like that again. I'm here if you need to confess or maybe talk about certain matters and/or issues in your personal life and that is all.

Have a blessed day.
(p.s. I'm sorry for my inappropriate language yesterday.)

Father McCann

I scoffed.

He had some balls to tell me to stop, but now he was in even more shit. If I wanted him, I'd get him and I wanted him badly. No one was gonna stop me, not even him.

The battle may be over, but the war was just beginning.


On my way from seventh to eighth period, I stopped in the library and met up with Cheryl. Since she was the only one I trusted enough to open up about the matter to and since it was my free period and hers as well.

I had a plan, a devious one and I wanted her in on it.

"You want me to do what?" Cheryl tried to quietly whisper, but it ended up sounding more like a shriek of fright.

"Cheryl, babe chill. It's not as bad as it sounds." I whispered, turning my face towards her.

"Having sex with two other people, one being my best friend and the other our friendly neighborhood ordained priest. How am I not supposed to be freaking out?"

holy grail Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora