Chapter ten: Merry Christmas to me.

Start from the beginning

"Pete. Pete. Pete. Pete. Pete. Pete. Pete." 

"Harry he's on the phone!" MJ hissed. I chuckled. They were funny to watch. 

"Do I.....ugh, fine. Whatever." Peter hung up the phone and turned to Harry, MJ and I. 

"Sorry guys, something came up with Aunt May. I uh, have to go." He said, moving towards the door. Instantly, Harry's face fell. 

"Are you sure you can't stay? I wanted to show Joy around New York, and know....wanted you and MJ to come along." I saw the guilt in Peter's eyes. He wanted to stay. 

"I'm sorry Harry it's just...I'm sorry." He said, closing the door, leaving MJ, Harry and I in silence. 

"I'm sorry Harry. I have to go." MJ said after a few minutes. Harry sighed and waved her aside, sitting down on the couch next to me. 

"Whatever Mary Jane." He muttered. She left too. 

Harry sighed.

"I hate this. Dad's busy, Peter's busy, MJ has always been busy.....does no one have time for me anymore?" He asked. 

"I do." I said. Harry looked at me slightly. 

"Really? Cause I thought with the beef cake sandwich you've been stuck in lately, you'd be busy today too." Actually, neither Sam nor Danny had called me today. Which gave me conflicted feelings. 

"Beef cake sandwich?" I questioned, pretending to have no idea what he was talking about. 

"Oh don't play stupid. Danny and Sam are practically throwing themselves at you. I mean, you've been my sister what? A couple months? Yet they pay you more attention." I frowned. Harry had some serious self esteem issues, which I made a mental note to mention to Mister Osborn about later. 

"How about this. You grab my crutches (which you hid from me) and we can go out together, just the two of us. Show me New York, Harry Osborn style." He grinned. 

"Fine. Call a taxi, we're doing this Parker style." Does that mean poorly or be late for everything?


Harry was against showing me the tourist attractions. He said if I wanted to see the Stature of Liberty, I could look out my window and see it. If I wanted to see Times Square, he'd show me on New Years or when the Chistmas celebrations start (sometime tomorrow I think), the only time when it's worth looking at. And if I wanted to see Central Park, he told me to have one of my boy toys show me. 

I promptly slapped him. 

"Ow!!! I'm just saying!! I want to show you what it's like to be an actual New Yorker. You can go to Central Park anytime you want." 

"What about today?" 

"No. We have an ice skating rink in our house."

"Why exactly?" 

"Long story." 

"HEY NUMBSKULL LEARN HOW TO DRIVE YA STINKIN PIECE OF--." That was our driver. You know how you hear New Yorkers have bad attitudes and are terrible drivers? That was our driver. 

"So where are you--- Ah!!--- bringing me?" I asked, as our driver proceed to try and kill us  by turning a sharp corner very fast. 

"A little cafe near Stark Tower." 

"Isn't that a tourist attraction?" 

"Well, yes but I'm taking you to see the café not the Stark Ego Monument next to it." Chuckling, I quickly got out of the car when taxi stopped. Was I allowed to sue him? 

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