Chapter 1.

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"Aly, it's just one party." My best friend, Stephanie, complained, flopping down beside me onto my bed. "It's our senior year."

"Yes, our senior year of high school. But this is a college party. Girl you know my parents will never let me go." I flipped the page in my Anatomy textbook. "Plus we have that project due Wednesday and I haven't even started."

Okay, the last part was a lie; I had finished the project last week.

The truth is I was terrified of college parties.

I'd heard what goes on at those parties: drinking, beer pong, and people having sex all over the place.

The same could be said about high school parties but still, no thank you.

"Bullshit. Knowing you, you finished the project last week." She squinted her eyes at me. "You're a really bad liar, you know that? And who cares what your parents will say." A devilish smile slid on her face. "Tell them you're spending the weekend at my house again."

My eyes widened.

"Oh there's no way I'm lying to my parents. You said it yourself, I'm a terrible liar." I babbled, shaking my head. "T-They'll pick up on it a-and they'll...they'll..."

"They'll what? Ground you and take away your textbooks?" She snorted and stood, admiring herself in my full-body mirror. "Lyssa, all you do is study, study, study. You need some fun for once in your life, some adventure. Live on the dangerous side for once."

"I have lived on the dangerous side and I did not like it." I defended, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your idea of dangerous is not looking both ways before crossing the street." She caught my eyes in the mirror and we both burst into laughter. "Here, look at yourself.

I stood and looked in the mirror at my permed-straight hair.

Okay, maybe I could put a little more effort into my hair.

I looked at my bluejean shorts and tank top.

"What's wrong with what I have on?"

"Honey, you dress like a virgin nun." Steph said, patting my shoulder. "You need some dick babygirl."

I snorted.

"Hey! I do not!" I turned away from the mirror. "I'm perfectly fine without it."

"Mmhm, you say that now." She said under her breath, walking to my closet. "I just wanna help you broaden the horizon of your style a little, that's all."

I rolled my eyes.

"We'll just have to stop by my house before we go to the party." She said, picking up her purse and looking at me. "Why are you just standing there? Let's go lie to your parents and go par-tayyy."

I sighed.

"Uh, I'm not going."

"Um, yes the hell you are. I can't show up to a college party by myself." She stuck her bottom lip out. "You wouldn't let your best friend go to a party by herself would you?"

"Now you know Tyler will be there." I pointed out.

"Well duh, I know he'll be there. He's the one that told me about the party." She rolled her eyes.

"Then you don't need me to come. You have Tyler." I sat back on my bed and reopened my textbook. "I'm sure he can keep you company."

"Oh I know he can." She smirked.

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