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Ryan's days soon started to revolve around Brendon and it was scaring the living crap out of them. They really liked him. Soon enough, Brendon started asking them on dates. The dates were all very wonderful, just like Brendon. Brendon was slowly but surely pulling Ryan out of their shell and breaking down their emotional walls. That was not exactly an easy task. And for the first time, Ryan actually felt happy. Happy was not a common emotion for Ry, whose default emotion was depressed. Soon, weeks of dating turned into months, and months into years. Ryan and Brendon were both head over heels for each other. Soon enough, Brendon was planning on proposing. He had it all planned out. Soon enough, the big night was here and Brendon sent Ryan a text saying, "Meet me at Olive Garden at six. :) love B"

Brendon spent three hours getting  ready and fixing his hair the way Ryan liked it. At five forty five, Brendon grabbed the bouquet of white roses and the ring, and made his way out the door. He arrived at the restaurant at five fifty. Every few minutes, he'd look at his watch, and soon enough six o'clock came. Then six fifteen. Then six thirty. Finally, Brendon got up, tears in his eyes and went to Ryan's house to make sure they were alright. Taped to the door was a note, "Drove myself to the hospital. I don't feel good. Sorry I couldn't make it. Love you. xo Ryro." Brendon hopped in his car and broke the speed limit by ten miles trying to get the hospital. As soon as he got there he went to the front desk and asked to see Ryan. The woman asked if he was a relative, and he answered saying he was their boyfriend. She let him through and he made his way back through to room twenty nine to see them. The doctors pulled him to the side and explained to him that Ryan had relapsed and probably wouldn't make it through the night. He ran over to the side of the bed and grabbed their small, cold hand, and started whispering to them how much he loved them, even though he could hardly talk through all the crying he was doing, and even though they were unconscious and couldn't hear him.

At 2:47 a.m , on March 25th, 2014, Ryan died with Brendon by their side. Their funeral was a few days later, and Brendon and the doctors and nurses were the only ones in attendance. Ryan would've hated it.
The following year, Brendon was found dead in his home he shared with Ry, the cause of death was stress cardiomyopathy. Better known as a broken heart.

le fin

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