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Ryan was sitting in a chair, admiring the rain that was falling softly outside their window, and thinking about how much the rain reflected their current mood.
Really, their only mood. A mood of wallowing in sadness and self-pity. They once again looked out their window, and decided to go to the kitchen and get something to eat, something they hadn't done in what seemed like ages. They slowly raised themself out of their chair, and made their way down the dimly lit hallways, which flickered with the light of incandescent bulbs about to go out. They opened the door and made their way into the kitchen, and went to the pantry, and looked inside, but there was no food to be seen. It would seem as if Ryan, would have to leave their fortress of solitude. Something they never did unless absolutely necessary. They made their way out of the kitchen, running a hand through their short hair and went to the door, grabbing their coat and a ten dollar bill before slipping on their gray converse.

moonlight sonata  +  ryden [completed!!]Where stories live. Discover now