Chapter Two - The Living and The Damned

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Copyright 2016

"So tell me again why you decided to take this job?"

My sister Emmy asked, sitting crossed legged in my tiny apartment on my double bed, a look of pure befuddlement on her face.

I rolled my eyes, rushing back and forth between the bathroom and my bedroom, stuffing my most important belongings in my duffle bag.

"Because I could really use a steady job at the moment." I explained, focused on not forgetting anything of value to me.

"But they're vampires!" She replied horrified, still not having gotten over the fact that I was leaving today after I had told her a week ago.

Emmy was very much a closed minded individual which I didn't hold against her since we were grown up with that mentality from our parents. I knew deep down she was just worried for my sake and to an extent I did to, but anytime I became unsettled by the idea, I pushed the distressing thought away.

She collapsed so that she was lying on my bed with a large groan.

"Grace, you know how insane this idea is, don't you?" She criticized. "They're so creepy and weird. You know they can't go out in direct daylight, right? And that they don't eat anything except blood?" She was trying to scare me out of this decision, but the truth was I had done a fair amount of research the past week trying to get an idea of what to expect in my new position.

A lot of the fears that my sister kept bringing up were actually my real life fears as well, but I couldn't confide in her when she was already so worried; it would just stress her out. While I put on the nonchalant facade, I was actually very scared about what it my new job would entail while working under vampires.

With the research I did, I had a fairly good idea of what to expect rules wise. I knew what was inappropriate and what they could and could not do regarding me, however, there was a difference from what the internet said and what would happen in real life.

"They actually can go out in direct sunlight, it just drains them a lot." I corrected her, squishing my clothes and toiletries into my page so that I could zip it up. "And they're not allowed to drink human blood without consent. It's mostly donors blood they have to get shipped in."

With as much effort as I could muster up, I pulled on my zipper hard enough so that I could close me bag. The bag must have weighed 50 pounds and the seams seemed to be tearing.

Well, hopefully I won't have to repack this anytime soon. I mentally wished.

My phone vibrated and I checked it from my jeans pocket.

"Hey, my uber is here." I informed my sister, grabbing my leather jacket from the bed post and slipping it on.

Her eyes widened as if she never truly thought the moment would come.

"Oh, jeez." She muttered, standing up from the bed.

Bracing myself, I lifted my extremely heavy duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder.

"Here, you lock up." I explained, trying to not pass out from the weight of the bag. I handed her the keys and together we walked to the door. She got the door for me and held it opened as I juggled with the my belongings.

Emmy followed me and double checked that the door was locked as I waited in the hallway.

"You better make sure that your friend doesn't wreck any of my stuff, or so help me Em..." I trailed off, but the truth was if the girl who was subletting my apartment was a friend of Emmy's, the apartment would be left in better shape then when I was living there.

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