56. A Brush with Adulthood

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"Nooo," Liz whimpered, struggling with everything she had to get free.

"You're a fucking tease, aren't you?" William ground out, an excited shallowness to his voice as his hand moved down the front of her pants. At her struggling and his intrusion, the button at the front of her pants fell out, falling to the floor unnoticed.

Liz gasped, tears rolling down her face. She wanted to scream for help, but something stopped her. Maybe it was the fear that her mother would take William's side when she tried to tell her what had happened. Or maybe it was an aversion to disappointing the Stanwoods when they had just hours ago complimented her on her beauty.

Either way, there was not much rational thinking running through her head at that moment as William's fingers brushed down inside her panties, touching her in a way no one had been allowed to before.

"Nooo!" she erupted and got her leg loose enough to jam her knee up his groin.

He yelped, quickly pulling his hand out of her panties. That second of distraction was all she needed and she turned to the bathroom where she quickly locked the door.

Her hands were shaking as she backed away from the door, slowly sitting down on the edge of the bathtub.

She waited for a sound outside the door, even expected him to try and break in, but there was nothing. And with a part of her innocence lost, she started crying.



William turned, surprised at seeing Nancy Parker on the second floor. He had just been close to getting a little something from her daughter, seeing Mrs. Parker right now was like getting hosed down with cold water.

"Mrs. Parker," he offered with a polite smile.

"Could I have a word?" Mrs. Parker said, a tenseness to her mouth that sent William clear warning signs.

Looking around him, as if to see if Elizabeth would step out from the shadows somewhere and tell her mother what he had done, William's eyes settled on Nancy's face a couple of seconds later.

With an easy smile, he answered, "Of course, Mrs. Parker."

Stepping up to him, Nancy Parker's eyes were cold as she took a closer look at the young man. "I guess you know the reason why I invited you and your family to my house."

Trying to read her face, William started to feel very uncomfortable when he was completely unsuccessful. Swallowing deeply, he tried his best to act casual, adding an easy polite laughter for good measure. "Well, I presume the reason was to pair up Elizabeth and I."

"Precisely," Nancy agreed. "Now, what gave you the idea that me introducing you to Elizabeth gave you the right to assault her?"

William blinked. "Excuse me?" He couldn't have heard that right.

"I saw you, William. I saw you touch my daughter inappropriately against her will."

William paled. "No...no. With all due respect, Mrs. Parker, you must be mistaken."

Her face hardened another degree as she narrowed her eyes. "Are you calling me a liar?"

William was very close to becoming a stuttering fool. "No...no, of course not. I would never- Of course not."

"Do you realize what this could do to your family if this got out?" Nancy asked.

"Please, Mrs. Parker. I thought she had feelings for me too-"

"Don't you even try to pull that nonsense on me!"

William took a step back. He had never been so scared of a person in his whole sheltered life.

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