54. Spinning the Bottle

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At school, Wednesday afternoon
(2001) Max is 16, Liz is 15

"You'll never guess what just happened!"

Liz barely glanced over the rim of her dark sunglasses before she suggested, "Meg and Millerrun got back together?"

Maria rolled her eyes and slumped down next to Liz against the school building. "Noooo." Considering the possibility of seeing the most popular couple in school get back together again, she added, "But that would've been pretty cool though."

Liz nodded with an air of disinterest and returned her attention to the book titled Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future in her hands.

"Cooome on, guess!" Maria urged.

Liz sighed, trying to think of what else had the power to excite Maria to this degree. Liz knew very well that Maria's excitement didn't stem from some bubblegum-popping-sparkling-eye-shadow-teenage personality. It was more a case of having fun at the expense of some high school people who thought they owned the world.

But there was a possible alternative for Maria's happiness. An alternative that always made Maria's enthusiasm levels skyrocket.

Looking at her friend, Liz stated, "Party."

"Paaarty!" Maria replied, jumping to her feet and doing a bizarre squiggling dance.

Liz couldn't help but laugh. Shaking her head, she confirmed, "You're a freak, Ria."

"Ah, you love me," Maria said. "And you're going to love me even more when you hear that I didn't only manage to get me invited, but you as well!"

Liz looked horrified for a moment before her face turned into a frown. "Who's throwing this party exactly?"

"Ryan Anderson."

Liz sighed loudly. "That explains it."

Maria threw her hands up in resignation. Why did Liz always have to burst her party bubble? "What? What does it explain?"

"Don't you know? Sean is Ryan's best friend and Sean is kinda stalking me."

Maria gave her an incredulous look. "Oh come on, Lizzie. Of course he's not."

"Why else would someone like Ryan invite some 15-year-olds to a party, huh? It's not like we're the popular pretty girls. We never get invited."

"Max's going," Maria said.

Liz rolled her eyes. "And how exactly does that help in convincing me to go?"

"You know him, right? Pretty well. So at least you know someone there. Besides me of course."

Liz slammed her book together and started pushing it into her backpack at the same time as she pushed to her feet. "Maria, are you feeling okay?"

Maria looked at her oddly. "Yes, of course I am."

"Are you sure?"

Maria looked absolutely dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"

Liz slung the backpack over her shoulder. "Because it seems as if you have managed to forget about every single conversation I've ever had with you."

Maria sighed. "I know you think that you hate Max Evans-"

"I don't think anything, it's a fact."

"How can you hate something so beautiful?"

"Because he's an idiot."

"He's one year older. You've known him like forever so he actually acknowledges you. He's very," Maria made sure to further emphasize this word by looking at Liz pointedly, "very easy on the eyes. He has a car. Oh, and did I mention? He's one year older."

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