“Your toast?” Annie finished.

Luke nodded.

“Well, here’s what we’re gonna do. . .” Annie began.

Luke leaned in, relieved that she was sticking around to help.  This partnership might work out after all. 

* * * * * * * * * *

Annie’s schedule over the next week was busier than anticipated, but she didn’t mind.  Swim practice took up three nights a week and she used one night to take Shasta and Shanikwa to cheerleading.  She was able to meet up with Luke in the afternoons between classes to tutor him.  He tended to be more interested in talking or watching what was happening around him, which was the major source of his incomplete work.  Once she actually focused his attention she found he was a pretty smart guy.

The busy schedule didn’t leave much time for Brent and it didn’t sit well with him.  She found him to be clingier and needier than usual.  It amused Annie that he could be a lean, muscled, blond haired and cocky swimmer god one moment and then completely jealous and insecure the next.  She knew her attitude about their relationship didn’t help things, but she really didn’t know how to change that. 

It became obvious that she would have to make a decision about him one or the other very soon.  She couldn’t keep him in limbo like this forever.

Luke’s two week deadline would close by five o’clock on Friday afternoon and somehow she had managed to hold him to it.  She met him in the library at four to help him put his portfolio together before handing it in.  She found him at one of the large tables down in the “stacks”, otherwise known as the periodicals.  He had a huge mess sprawled out in front of him.

“What are you doing?” she asked, eyeing the papers he was shuffling.


“That’s not what it looks like.”

“Thanks for your input.”

Annie grinned and dropped her bag onto a chair.  Then she moved to stand beside him, trying to make sense of his piles.  “Where’s your binder?  You did get one, didn’t you?”

Luke glanced at her from the corner of his eye.  He seemed a bit exasperated.  “Of course I got one.  It’s in my bag.”

Annie held up her hands.  “Just asking.”

“Do you distrust everyone this much or is it just me?” he grumbled

Annie’s eyebrows went up, surprised by his tone.  Luke was usually happy and easygoing.  She was the one typically grumbling.

“Nope, just you.” She retorted, knowing she would just irritate him more.  She couldn’t help it.

Luke stopped his organizing to look at her.  “You know Annie, you really are a pain in the ass.”

Annie stiffened.  “Excuse me?”

“I get a little tired of listening to you grumble and criticize all the time.”

Annie had no idea where this was coming from but it made her mad all the same.  “Look, Dukes, I don’t know what your problem is but I’m not sticking around to get abused.  I came to help, but you don’t seem to want it.  So you can take your portfolio and do whatever you want with.  See you later.”

Her voice had risen in anger and other people were staring as she grabbed her bag and stormed for the stairs.  Luke caught her on the landing before she reached the main floor.

“Annie, wait.”

She stopped, refusing to turn and look at him.  “What?” she snapped.

“I’m sorry.  I really do need your help with this.  Please don’t leave yet.”

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