Dead or alive. Chapter 6

Magsimula sa umpisa

I drove the car back to the others, who were waiting for me already. Warren and I switched seats. She was the leader, so she was driving. We were heading trough the planes of Wisconsin, as Serena needed a break again. 10k and I were leaning against the car. I practiced with my slingshot again. 10k was looking through is scope. 

He hammered against the car to get everyone's attention. "Up there. A car." he said and hell broke loose! Several men started firing at us and our car! We all got down and hoped, that soon they would stop and leave. But suddenly Serena grabbed a weapon from the trunk and started firing back, yelling "We have a becoming mom on board you assholes! Aren't children anything worth for you?! You are messing with the wrong ones!". As she was done, no one fired back. 10k sneaked up the hill a little and looked trough his scope. He nodded once, saying that no one was left.  

Suddenly I heard something. "Guys..." someone said really quietly "Help me.". Mack came limping from the front of the car, holding his chest. Right in front of us he fell down.  "What's wrong with you?" Addy asked confused.  Immediately Doc got up. "Oh man! This is not good!" he said concerned, checking him. "What is it, Doc?" Addy asked, tearing up. "He got shot multiple times... And if we don't act fast enough he'll not make it." Doc answered. Vasquez picked him up and laid him on the back of the truck. He turned back  around to us "Get in the car. There is a Mennonite community near by. They had medicine and a real doctor the last time I was there. This is our only chance!".

Minutes later we reached the piece of land the community was. Warren, Doc, Vasquez, 10k and I headed out to look for the people living there. 

10k and I were walking across a field of weeds as I spotted some women in white robes working. "10k. Over there!" I pointed at them. "We should split up. You come from the back, so they don't mess around." he said and we started walking. 

I slowly sneaked up from the back. They didn't notice me because 10k took all the attention. All of a sudden the women started screaming in an other language. Then I saw it: a Z headed his way and he didn't notice. "10k! Behind you!" I yelled. The women turned around, screamed again and ran away. 10k took a fast turn and piked the Z. But a strange white powder raised. He coughed as he inhaled it. I ran towards him. "Are you okay?!" I asked, brushing off some of the white powder. He looked down and smiled "Think so. Wonder what this powder is.". I nodded "Me too. But let's follow the women.".

We did and soon reached the back of the few buildings. We saw the women and also a few men lock them selfs in barns. Walking through the alley between the buildings I yelled "I'm sorry. We didn't want to scare you! We have a wounded man with us! He needs help!". No one replied. From far we heard Doc asking "Did you find someone?". "Find? -yes. Talked to someone? -no." I replied.

We reached the others again and already gave up, that someone would help us, as  a young man stepped out one of the barns, followed by some other people. "We need your help. He have a wounded man!" Addy went straight forward. "You can't stay here... We have anthrax here. It's not save!" he said in broken English. Doc took a step forward "This is our last chance dude. We really need help.". "Damn!" Serena said and we all turned around. Murphy started to freak out "DOC! What happened?! FIX IT!". "Ohuu daddy! She's going to have her baby. No way around that." Doc replied. 

The farmer guy finally said "Okay. We have an unused barn. You can stay there! Follow me!". 

Everybody was walking in front of me and 10k. We carried some stuff Doc could use to fix Mack. "Do you think he'll make it?" I looked to the ground. 10k stopped and looked down on me "Honestly? I don't know. I am more concerned of Mur..." he began to say and started coughing really hard. The things he carried fell to the ground. "Hey! Is everything alright?" I asked, as he fell also th the ground, not moving.  "Anyone! Please help!" I screamed and seconds later the farmerguy and Vasquez came running to us. "What is wrong?" the guy asked. "I-I don't know. He just passed out!" I answered. "Did he kill an undead and inhale the powder?!" he asked staring at me. "Yes." I again answered. "Ohhu... That is not good. He has anthrax... We have medication... Come with me!" he said. Vasquez picked 10k up and followed him to another barn. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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Rifles and slingshots. [10k/znation fanfic/lovestory][2nd story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon