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( SAM + MEG = ? )

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      Dean and Possessed-Sam stalk each other through a dim, crowded warehouse, each with a handgun. During the following they never see each other directly, instead hiding stealthily behind piles and boxes and shouting at each other.

      "So who are you?" Dean asks.

      "I got lots of names."

      "You've been in Sam since he disappeared, haven't you?" Dean asks.

      "You should have seen your face when you thought he murdered that guy. Pathetic."

      "Why didn't you kill me? You had a dozen chances."

      "No, that would have been too easy. Where's the fun in that? See, this was a test. Wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste Sam. Should have known you wouldn't have the sac. Anyway. Fun's over now." Sam says.

      "Well, I hope you got your kicks. Because you're gonna pay hell for this, I'm gonna make sure of that." Dean says.

      "How? You can't hurt me. Not without hurting your little brother. See, I think you're gonna die, Dean. You and every other hunter I can find. One look as Sam's dewey, sensitive eyes? They'll let me right in their door." Possessed-Sam leads Dean outside, to an open-air dock.

     Once he's out in the open, looking around, Sam steps out, takes aim, and shoots Dean, hitting him in the shoulder. Dean collapses into the water with a splash; Sam stalks to the edge and peers over where Dean fell; he smiles.

      Jo and Elena are walking quickly through the docks

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

      Jo and Elena are walking quickly through the docks. A flashlight in Elena's hand and her cell phone in the other; she's calling Dean, and his voicemail picks up.

      This is Dean. Leave a message.

      Elena hangs up the phone with a sighs and continues searching. "We're never gonna find him." Jo says.

      Moments later Elena calls again, and this time hears Dean's ringtone coming from below her, by the water. She runs down to where he is lying unconscious at the bottom of a ramp.

      "Dean! Dean!" Elena yells as he wakes with a groan. "Take it easy.

      Dean shudders and groans in pain. "Where's Sam?" He asks.

     "I don't know, I've been looking for you. Come on, get up." She helps him to stand, and he leans on her heavily, clutching his shoulder, as they walk back to the bar.

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      Dean is seated at a table, gripping the edge with his right hand as Jo digs the bullet out of his left shoulder. He's groaning loudly. "Don't be a baby!" Jo yells.

My Wayward Son » Supernatural [2] | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن