Perfect |Ch.13|

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We got back to my apartment and I couldn't help but feel nervous. Why did he want to go back to my place? Why not somewhere... public... for no reason in particular. We started to walk up to my apartment and I walked with a reasonable distance between us. Once we got to my door, I fiddled with my keys trying to find the right one. In the process, I dropped them on accident.

"Oh" I said while picking them up off the ground. I tried to grab the right key and dropped them again. "Shit".

"Cara" Mark said pulling me up by my arm. I stood up and watched him as he bent down to get the keys and put the right key in the lock. He unlocked the door and motioned for me to go inside.

"Oh me? O-ok." I said not making eye contact. I walked in and stood by the counter in the kitchen while he locked the door back. He turned around to face me, locking his eyes with mine. I looked away immediately. He walked over to the opposite side of the counter of me. Jesus Christ why am I so nervous right now. It's not like he said he was going to do anything with me. But you know I should at least try to stall or distract or something right?

"I-I um just remembered that, you know, I haven't been home in awhile and I need to go do my laundry." I said while walking sideways. "So I'm gonna" I said pointing towards the stairs. He just stared at me and watched. I smiled and spun around to run up the stairs. I went to my room instead and sat on my bed and put my hands on my head. If he asked me, I know I wouldn't be ready. I mean we're technically not even together because he never asked. Even though he did pretty much confess his love and I did the same...ok whatever, I'm just not ready. Maybe he wanted to come here just to watch a movie or something. I don't know.

I peeked down the stairs and looked down towards the kitchen. Mark was leaning up against the counter looking at his phone. I went back to my room and sat down again. Ok I just need to calm down.

"Cara what are you doing?" Mark shouted from down stairs.

Shit. "Uuh I'm...brushing my hair..uh wind...yea..." I shouted back down. I am the worst liar of all time I really need to work on it.

"Well hurry up" he shouted back.

Crap what am I gonna do now? Ah fuck it. I got nothin.
I slowly walked back down to the kitchen and stood at the bottom of the stairs. Mark looked up from his phone and looked me.

"There you are, beautiful" he said walking towards me. I back up a bit and he noticed. "Cara" he said slowly coming towards me, "what's wrong?" He said reaching to touch my arm. I shivered and he removed his touch.
"I see" he said letting his head down a bit. He turned and started to walk away. What do I do?

My body jumps into action before my mind does and I grab his hand. "Wait, Mark, it's just I-uhhh, um you know, uh" I'm a mess, good god. "Whhy are we here?" I asked hesitantly. He looked at me with no emotion.

"I just thought you might want to go home." He said while looking around my apartment. It looked like something caught his eye, but I just shrugged it off.

Thank god. Damn I worry too much. I should know that Mark wouldn't make me if I didn't want to.

I stood there for a bit deciding if I wanted to say what was floating around in my mind. I guess it really couldn't hurt.

"Mark will you stay with me tonight?" I said rubbing my arm nervously.

"Of course I will"

~time skipped~
We had been sitting on the couch watching Netflix for a couple hours now and my eyes started to get heaving. I guess Mark noticed because he stood up from the couch.
"Come on, your tired" he said motioning towards the stairs. I groaned and sat up while rubbing my eyes trying to get them to wake up a bit. I finally get up and walk up the stairs to my room. I start to get out some pajamas to put on and then I remembered "oh shit you don't have any pajamas" I said towards Mark who was walking through the door of my room.

A Different Darkiplier. A Markiplier fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now