"Three weeks ago a young girls disappears from a Philadelphia apartment." Jo shoves a file folder at Dean. "Take it, it won't bite."

      "No, but your mom might." Dean says. She pinches her lips, still holding out the folder.

      He takes it reluctantly. "And this girl wasn't the first. Over the past eighty years six women have vanished. All from the Same building, all young blondes. Only happens every decade or two so cops never eyeball the pattern. So we're either dealing with one very old serial killer, or —" Jo starts.

      "Who put this together? Ash?" Dean asks.

      "I did it myself." Jo says.

      Dean is impressed. "Hmm." He hums.

      "I gotta admit. We hit the road for a lot less." Sam says.

      "Good. You like the case so much, you take it." Ellen says.


      "Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. And I won't lose you too. I just won't."

[ ☼ ]

      The Impala roars into town. They park in front of the apartment building from the Teaser. Close shot of a doorknob; it opens to reveal Sam, followed by Dean and Elena. "Hey Elena," Dean says. "How do you feel about going blonde?" He asks.

      "What? Why?" Elena asks.

      "Whatever this thing is, it likes blondes." Dean says. "Besides, you'd look great."

      Sam goes to stand by Dean. They both look at her. "It's not bad actually." Sam says.

      "I'm not dying my hair blonde!" Elena yells. The boys just shrug.

      "I feel kind of bad, snaking Jo's case." Sam says.

      "Yeah, maybe she put together a good file. But could you see her out here working one of these things? I don't think so." Dean says and both pull out EMF readers. "You getting anything?"

      "No, not yet." Sam says.

      As Sam runs his reader over the light switch, it purrs. He leans over. "What's that?" Sam asks and looks at a substance.

      "What?" Dean asks.

      Sam is touching the goo. "Holy crap." He says.

      "What the hell is that?" Elena asks as Dean also touches the goo.

      "That's ectoplasm." Dean says. "Well, guys, I think I know what we're dealing with here. It's the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man."

      Sam rolls his eyes. "Dean, I've only seen this stuff, like, twice. I mean, to make this stuff you have to be one majorly pissed off spirit." He says.

      "All right, let's find this badass before he snags any more girls." Dean says. They exit the apartment and walk down the hallway. Hearing voices, they hide around a corner.

      Dean frowns as he realizes the woman's voice belongs to Jo. "It's so convenient." She says.

      "Yeah, it's a great building, fixed it up real nice. All the apartments come furnished, too." The Landlord says.

      Jo is fake smiling. "It is so spacious. You know, my friend told me I absolutely have to come check it out, and I have to admit, she was right. You did a really good job with this place." She lies.

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