Chapter Thirtyeight - Do You Take Harry Lyttle To Be Your Husband?

Start from the beginning

I looked to the floor, "It's nothing, Ash. Let's just-"

"It's something."

I looked up, looking into her concerned eyes. She knew there was more to this story. And I told her some of it yesterday, but she wouldn't listen. Would she listen this time? Or would I just be wasting both of our time again? "Ash, I don't know..." I finally said.

"No, I want to know. I need to know." She begged.

Shuffling my feet, I looked down at the floor, then to the walls. Simply anywhere but her eyes. Finally, I told her everything I told Bale, only this time I didn't cry as much. I had accepted it, and after Bale said he loved me, I don't think anything could make me cry right now.

When I finished, Ashley frowned down at the floor. I waited for her to say something, but she didn't. "I'm sorry, Ashley. I know you must be upset, but-"

"Why are you sorry?" She suddenly asked, looking up at me. "You have nothing to be sorry about, Annabelle. Harry does. He lied to me, he hit my best friend... I can't believe it." She shook her head.

"Well, I'm fine... But lying to you is a sucky thing to do." I bit my lip.

Ashley let out a watery giggle, tears filling her eyes. "Yeah, it is."

"Are you still gonna get married?" I asked.

Ashley didn't answer, but only stood up and began pacing, chewing on her bottom lip. I stood patiently, waiting for her to say something. Ashley stopped in the middle of the room and told me to help her get her dress on. "I know what I should do." She said.

Standing behind the doors, waiting for them to open and the brides maids would start to pour out, I glanced over at Ashley. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Alright." I sighed. "...But if he even looks at me, I'm biting his ankles."

Ashley laughed and looked over at me. "Why?"

"That hurts, trust me. I grew up with three brothers."

She shook her head and continued to stare at the doors. "Show time." She said when the music started.

I shrugged, "Alrightie." I walked out first, since I'd be first in the line. Bale stepped forward to walk me down the isle. He smiled down at me and whispered in my ear, "You look beautiful... But I have something that would make you even more beautiful."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well you can't have it till the ceremony is over." He said it like it was obvious, making me giggle.

I looked in front of me and realized... I'm walking down the isle, hand in hand with my boyfriend, walking towards my childhood crush. Ew, what did I ever see in him?

We stopped in front of the alter, he bowed, and took a seat in one of the first few rows, next to Michael, Billy B., Hazel and my family.

I stood there, while all the other girls gathered behind me. I tried to keep my eyes dead on the doors, but I could feel Harry's eyes burning in the back of my skull. I whipped around - secretly - and hissed, "What?!"

"You look beautiful. I'm glad to see you haven't told anyone - good girl." He winked.

I wanted to leap at him and make him scream in pain somehow, but I only glared at him and muttered, "Like hell I didn't." Finally, the Bridal March came on and the doors opened, letting a beautiful Ashley walk out... Wait, why isn't she walking slowly? She's more like striding to the alter. Everyone looked at her, confused, including myself. When she reached me, I whispered to her, "What is going on?" She ignored me and stood in front of Harry.

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