82: Tea Parties

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Harry: "Daddy, you look really pretty," your little girl said as she placed the diamond-studded tiara on your husband's head. "Why thank you, princess," Harry replied, pouring another round of tea and munching on a cookie. You laughed to yourself from the door frame, snapping countless pictures.

Liam: "Babe, do I look okay?" Liam asked, ruffling with his purple tutu. You restrained yourself from laughing and nodded, giving a thumbs up as he left the room. "Oh daddy! You make a beautiful princess!" your daughter exclaimed, wearing a matching pink tutu of her own. "Now, let's go get Mr. Snuggles and we can have our tea party!"

Louis: "I don't think these earrings match...," Louis said to your daughter, eyeing the emerald and turquoise gems. "But daddy they look pretty together!" your little girl retorted, clipping the fake jewelry onto her father's ears. Louis winced at the tiny tug on his earlobes. "I think you need some more lipstick!" "No, baby. I think I'm okay..."

Niall: "Daddy! Which one do you want? Chocolate chip or sprinkle cookies?" "Why don't you bring both of them," Niall said, scooping up his little girl and carrying her to the miniature table in her room. "Daddy, you can't wear that," the little girl noted, pointing to Niall's green hat. "Here's a green crown," she continued, exchanging the two headpieces. "Perfect..."

Zayn: "You can't wear black to the tea party," your daughter sighed, handing Zayn one of your evening gowns. "Baby, I can't wear this, your mommy will kill me." Her eyes grew big and her lip jutted out as Zayn melted and finally agreed, shrugging on the dress. "Your crown, Princess Daddy," she continued, putting the tiara on her father's perfect quiff. Zayn sighed, "Just don't tell your mother..."

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