Roleplay With @TheGalaxyPlanet

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So same as last time. Except she is also controlling some other peeps including Caspar and I am also controlling Merlin.

Taylor: Lily! I have some people coming over for today's pool party! Can you help me set up some stuff!

Lily: okay yah. *rolls off couch* where?

Taylor: Well, I need you to give me your opinion on which bikini to wear, and I'll do the same for you because I invited someone over for you. Also, we need to set up the cotton candy machine because Reigh took it into her room.

Lily: she put it in her room? That is an amazing idea. Why didn't I think of that

Taylor: Just focus. Come with me. *drags you into my bedroom* Tell me which one looks better. *puts on a pink bikini with rhinestones and tassles* This one? Or this one? *pits on a black bikini with white polka dots and lace fringe* Which one do you think he'll like better?

Lily: he'll? *concerned* who is he?

Taylor: Oh uh nobody! Just which one do you think looks hotter?

Lily: the pink one. But first. tell me who this boy is.

Taylor: Okay. *puts the pink one back on* It's a guy I've liked for a couple of days. We need to get you looking amazing too because you-know-who is coming over too,

Lily: no I don't. But anyway let's get to this. *pulls out a mint green bikini with ombré tassles* or this *pulls out a white bikini with lace and a swim skirt*

Taylor: Ohh! I like the green one but he hates green. So the white one.

Lily: okay but wait *pulls out a galaxy print bikini* what about this one?

Taylor: Oh yeah! He'll love that one!

Lily: okay good. *puts it on* so tell me about this boy and how you convinced him to come here.

Taylor: So, I invited Caspar over as my friend to our weekend pool party obviously and he would come.

Lily: oh that guy. *judgy face* idk he look weird.

Taylor: He's hot. And he's my type,

Lily: I'm supervising you and him. But I'll make it calm and cool
Taylor: And I also invited Merlin over. SURPRISE!!!

Lily: *blush* okay. Then I'll just hide behind Liam the whole time

Taylor: Oh trust me. Liam and Rydell will be too busy for you to do that.

*doorbell rings* Taylor: You should answer it.

Lily: *gets to the door then faces Taylor * then I'll hide behind Luke. *opens door and Caspar is standing there with a few people behind him.* hello.

Taylor: *pokes out from behind Lily* Sup Caspar!

Lily: *faces the guests* now if you excuse me, I need to go find someone. *pats Taylor on the head and runs to Luke's room*

Taylor: So...come on in. *opens the door wider*

Luke: *walks into the room*

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