Demigod Life #3

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Phoenix Quinn

Name: Phoenix Quinn
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Athena
Boyfriend/Crush: Travis Stoll (son of Hermes)
Friends; The Athena cabin and Hermes cabin along with some of the other cabins
Enemies: Ares Cabin
Background: When you were born, neither of your parents wanted you so your father gave you away to a Care Home in the same city as he was. Even though, he didn't want you, he came and visited you when you were young, but too young to remember. On your fifth birthday, he wanted to see you and speak to you, finally wanting some part in your life, but ashamed of how quickly he gave you up, he couldn't bring himself to meet you.
You never really liked the Care Home, but you had to put up with it, so you were glad when you were old enough to get away with spending most time in the library at school. Basically, they saw you as a troublemaker even if you were getting straight A's in school, so whenever you weren't there they were happy. In fact, you stayed out one night until five o clock in the morning, hiding in the library when someone had insulted you, and when you came back they just said, "Oh, you're back."
One day when you were in the library, you found a really interesting book on Greek Mythology in the restricted section of the library and got so absorbed in the book that you didn't realise the time, even when the sun disappeared and the moon hung in the sky from the window. The librarian knew you after the many years you'd been visiting the library and gave you the choice to lock up the library. She turned off of the lights as she left, but you didn't mind. Being in the dark allowed you to imagine the book better and you could still see from the light on your phone.
Suddenly, the door clicked open and the lights turned on, assuming it was the librarian who had forgotten something as usual, you turned back to your books. But voices started talking loudly, and they were male and youthful. You wanted to tell them the library was shut and to stop making so much noise in a library, but decided to ignore them.
"The book has to be here somewhere." One voice says as you hear books fall off the shelves.
"It would be fine if we could actually read the title of these books, darn dyslexia. This is why we don't prank the children of Athena by stealing their books." The second voice interrupts followed by a frustrated cry.
A crash sounded in the background, and you were annoyed that they had disturbed your reading. You were just getting to a good bit where Perseus was about to behead the Gorgon, Medusa, when you stood up, book still in your hand and stormed over to where the sound was coming from. But as you were just about to step forward from a bookshelf, you saw a hideous reflection in the mirror opposite you.
Two boys, around your age were fighting a gorgon with snakes for hair. You have to prevent yourself from screaming and close your eyes trying to make yourself believe that your hallucinating and your imagination is personifying the book. But as you look back, you still see the Gorgon and the two boys seem to be failing, unable to look at their attacker.
"Run!" you shouted to them, they looked surprised as they ran to the right and you was surprised to find you had new found courage and was knocking your entire body weight against a large bookshelf. The bookshelf toppled over and squashed the gorgon flat. You sprinted over to the monster to check to see if it was dead when a hand reached out from underneath the books and grabbed your ankle. You stumbled backwards, one of the boys from earlier pulling you back by your arms and you break free from her grasp. Signalling to the boys, you lead them into one of the bathrooms and lock the door.
They seemed out of breath as the boy who'd pulled me out of Medusa's grip slumped the other one down on the floor who was clutching at his side. "Is this the girls' bathroom?" He asked calmly.
"That thing just attacked you and you care whether you're in the girls' bathroom. Boys!" You roll your eyes as you press your back against the door, just in case it doesn't hold.
"What thing?" They ask, looking at you curiously and you had to hold back the urge to punch them.
"What thing? What thing! The thing with crazy snake hair with claws and wings that just attacked you. That thing!" Your urge was too strong and in an act of frustration socked the boy standing up in the arm.
"Hey, ok. So you can see through the Mist... that then begs the question did it follow us or was it here for you?" They looked at each other exchanging glances, but you didn't know what was going on, and you didn't like it when you didn't know something.
"Why would it be here for me?" But before they could answer banging started on the door and dread filled all of your stomachs. Quickly thinking, you slammed you elbow into the mirror on the wall in the bathroom, cutting your elbow to shreds, and even though it hurt, you continued. Taking the broken mirror shards, you reach into your pockets and dig down deep for some tape; one of the things you never leave home without.
"You know that's seven years bad luck, right?" The first boy said, but you just shot him a glare. You stuck the shards on the door of a cubicle directly opposite the door, that way the gorgon would be forced to see her hideous reflection and get turned to stone. Then you climbed onto the sink and thanked God that you knew this place well. A window was shut on the roof, but with a bit of pressure to the right, it would automatically unlock.
"Can he climb?" You nod towards the second boy wincing in pain and both him and the first boy nods. You clamber down, allowing the first boy to go first, who then hauls up the second boy as well. He then reaches for your hand and you tell him that if he drops you, you will personally rearrange his face. He loosens his grip before he catches you again playfully and you curse at him in Greek, without realising what you were doing.
"Didn't think I'd let a pretty little girl like you fall, now?" But you didn't care, you still slapped him around the face thinking that you did warn him. You stare down and close the window, watching as Medusa bursts through the door and sees herself in the mirror, before turning into stone. You realise you still have the book in your hand and throughout all of this, you still have your finger hooked on the page.
You then turn your attention back to the second boy who seems his bleeding is just getting worse. "Take off your shirt." You demand to the first boy who looks identical to the second. He makes a cheeky comment about how you've only just met, but you roll your eyes and elaborate, "Take off your shirt unless you want your twin to die."
"He's not my twin, he's my younger brother." He says taking off his shirt and you don't dislike what you see when he thrusts his top to you, but you don't like to admit that you did like it either. You sighed as if you didn't care and pushed his shirt against his younger brother's wound. "My name's Travis Stoll, his is Connor Stoll."
"My name's Phoenix Quinn... Do you have any water?" You look up to him thinking that you could really use something to clean the wound with. But he shook his head.
"We need to get him back to Camp. They have ambrosia there." Travis lifted his younger brother over his shoulder, still topless.
"Ambrosia? Like what the Gods eat?" He nodded and looked at you in confusion, but you held up the book in response.
"You found our book! Oh, that's so great... the Athena children would kill us if we didn't find it, seeing as we hid it here in the first place." You raised an eyebrow at him with a hand on his hip before following his lead down a drain pipe to the ground floor. You turn to go back to the Care Home, but you find his hand is on your arm. "There'll be more of them, monsters that is. Come back with me, please."
"I need to get back..." You look at him and his beautiful eyes in the darkness and then in the distance to the Care Home. They never cared for you, they wouldn't even realise you were gone. You stared back at him, a mischievous grin growing on your face, "Ok, I'll go with you. On one condition. I keep the book."
"That's not a war for me to start." And he runs into the darkness, with his brother and you tagging alongside him, yelling happily into the night.

First Day at Camp:
On the first day at camp, you were automatically accepted, especially by Hermes cabin, who thanked you for helping Connor back to Camp. A lot of people thought you were going to be accepted by Apollo because you knew a thing about healing and could play a bit of guitar, but that was only because you loved to learn. Or accepted by Aphrodite because everyone said you were the typical blonde haired blue eyed girl even if you did insist your eyes were grey.
You sat down in the infirmary, after Connor was seen by a healer and Travis was next to you, thankfully with his shirt on. A sharp pain stings your elbow and you remembered smashing your elbow into the glass. You pull around the skin and extract a small fragment of glass, before holding it up, bloodied in the air.
"Let me look at that wound." Travis says pulling you arm to him, but you wiggle it out of his grasp.
"So you can pour lemon juice on it? Not likely!" However, his face drops and he looks hurt, so you sigh apologetically and lean over to him so that he can see the graze. He gently touches it with a cloth and you pull away as the stinging intensifies.
"Ah..." You cradle your arm as Travis apologises, but you shake your head, "there's no need to apologise, it's me that stuck my elbow in the glass, not you."
"Fine, then I should be saying thank you. If it wasn't for your quick thinking. I'd probably be a handsome garden ornament and Connor would probably be bleeding to death." He takes your arm again and continues to wipe it carefully as I wince slightly in pain. After he cleaned it, he found some bandages and wrapped my joint with the fabric. "But tell me, you enjoyed it when I was shirtless, didn't you?"
"You wish, Stoll!" And you push him playfully.
That day, you weren't claimed and you were feeling really disheartened when you sat at the Hermes Cabin. It wasn't all that bad because you sat down with Travis and Connor (who had healed perfectly) and the rest of the Hermes was so inviting. But there was that part of you that wanted to find out who your parent was.
You had kept the book with you, planning on reading it all before sunrise tomorrow, and you skimmed through each of the pages whilst you ate. Travis laughed at you and commented that maybe you were a child of Hermes seeing as you had no intentions of handing it back to the Athena Cabin.
"Finders, keepers, right? They snooze, they lose, simple as that." You didn't like the idea of being a Hermes child, but you didn't know why and hoped that it wasn't because you were starting to like Travis.
As you put in another spoonful of food, you smiled as you finally turned the last page. Behind you, a boy snatched the book from your grasp and thanked you for giving it back.
"You must be confused... I never gave it back, especially seeing as I didn't get it from you." You grabbed the book back out of their hand, you don't know why you wanted the book so badly. You sat back down flicking your hair over your shoulders and wishing inside that you weren't a child of Athena, they seemed so obnoxious.
Gasping filled the mess hall, and then some cheers surrounded you and you looked at Travis in confusion who was pointing up slightly, staring above your head. I looked up to see an owl glowing above my head and I banged my forehead on the table groaning. Oh Gods...
"All hail Phoenix Quinn, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Intelligence and Battle Strategy." Chiron called out.

How you and Travis start dating:
You were asleep in the Athena Cabin when you woke up because something was scratching at your face. You wake up to find a large black and hairy spider crawling across your face. You scream, waking up most of the cabin; usually you can control your arachnophobia (YOU: No thanks to you, Mum) like if there is a spider in the room, you won't scream, you'd just keep a careful eye on it and continue what you're doing. But if it is actually on you, that's when you start to freak out, and this was on your face.
You knew exactly who had done this, especially seeing as earlier they were trying to see how arachnophobic you really were and bragged about having a new 'pet'. "TRAVIS... CONNOR... I'm going to kill you!!!!"
That day you literally went on a manhunt for both Travis and Connor who seemed to be hiding well away from you, especially seeing as you had quite a mean punch that you intended to use on them. You finally find Travis on a boat on the lake rowing as if he was taunting you, but you weren't going to stand for it. You pushed out another boat and rowed your way out to him.
"I am so going to kill you Travis!" But Travis' face grew in to a mischievous smile and next thing you know, your boat is spinning upside down and you're thrust under the boat. Your anger with him grows and you decide to get your own back.
You swim underneath the boat and lift your head above the water in the small amount of air between the boat of the water's surface. You then curl yourself into a small ball so that Travis can't see you and stay there quietly. Soon Travis starts to panic that you have drowned and calls out your name. Finally, you swim under his boat and pushes upwards so that he falls out of his into the water. You go to the surface to catch your breath and look around knowing he'll try to pull the same trick on you.
Suddenly, you're dragged down as a pair of arms hook around your legs. You let out a small yelp and twist around underwater to see Travis staring at you smiling. The both of you reach the top of the surface and you slap water into Travis' face and he splutters slightly and splashes you in return. Next thing you know, there's a splashing war which you win. Then you realise your anger with him has gone and the both of you just burst out laughing.
Travis pulls off his shirt in the water and places it in the boat before circling you, every now and then tickling you by digging his hands in your waist. You start to shiver realising how cold the water is, your teeth starts to chatter, and you swim underneath your upside down boat so that the enclosed atmosphere warms you. Travis follows you and pops up, surprising you slightly.
"You ok?" He looks at you still smiling, but his eyes looked concerned at you.
"Yeah, just cold, that's all." You nod and he wraps his bare arms around you, pulling you close to him.
"Is that better?" He says, looking down cheekily at you and you roll your eyes slightly.
"Y-yeah, a bit." You look up realising that your noses are almost touching, if you were to just lean a little bit closer you would be kissing. And yet, as that thought popped in your head, you subtly tried to push yourself closer to him. What were you thinking?
But the next thing you know, Travis leans in a kisses you softly on the lips before carefully pulling back, "I'm sorry." He mutters, but doesn't try to pull away and neither do you. Instead you place your hands on his cheeks and kiss him, much more passionately as he kisses you back and his arms fall to your waist.
"I was waiting for you to finally admit you liked me." Travis joked as you pulled apart once more, "I guess I just had to take my top off again..."
"Oh, shut up before your ego becomes so large it combusts." And you kiss again.

The Battle:
Basically, another prophecy came forth, but a bunch of younger demigods (including Acacia, a result) went to fulfil it. And you were actually pleased by that because you never felt comfortable with fighting massively dangerous beasts, regular monsters were fine by you. You and Travis helped fight the monsters with the Hermes Cabin and Athena Cabin, fighting monsters with your dagger and insane knife throwing skills, including battle strategy as well. As you are fighting you realise a monster sneak up behind Travis and claw his side and he falls to the floor. Flicking a knife in the monster's direction, it turns to dust and you run over to Travis, slipping in and out of consciousness.
You slap him in the face as he closes his eyes and you yell at him through tears, "No, you're not leaving me, not here, not now, not like this. You're going to make this, I know you, Travis. Just keep looking at me. Don't take your eyes off of me."
You stroke his face and he places a hand on top of your hand as he smiles at you. But you shake your head, blinking back tears, and look at his wound which is really deep. Telling him to brace himself, you wrap some rope around his wrists and lift him over your shoulders whilst he groans in pain. After running him to the infirmary, you stay with him and tell him you're not going to leave him until he's better. And you don't; you fall asleep with your head on his bed and when Travis wakes up he strokes your hair. In shock, you hug him and kiss him, so happy that he's better.
"Whoa, seriously? Do you have to kiss in a public area?" Connor was standing at the doorway with his hands childishly over his eyes, before pretending to be sick. You blush, tucking your blonde hair behind your ears and gesture to Connor to come in and then wrap your arm around his shoulders playfully,
"Well I just wanted to see how my favourite brother's doing, but now I regret walking in. Were you two having a 'moment'?" He grins and you elbow him in the side and for the rest of the time you just joke around although you got kicked out for making Travis laugh so hard that his wound reopened.

The Dance:
In celebration of the winning the battle against the monsters, Chiron announced that there would be a dance held when the demigods who went on the quest came back. Travis asked you and you asked him at the same time so I guess that made it official that you were going together. You wore this:
For the whole night, you danced together, but you also danced with Connor at one point because you guys were best friends and Travis didn't mind, in fact he enjoyed watching you both fail at dancing. Towards the end, the three of you, the infamous trio, resolved to pulling pranks on unaware partiers.
The rest is up to you.

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